Chapter 3

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We sat on the couch, squeezing in more like. And enjoyed watching the movie with crazy aliens and dogs that could sing—for tomorrow i will be gone.

"Alright Kate," she picked up a sleeping Kate that kept mumbling in her sleep, her spoon dropping on the couch with the movement. I look at this scene and realize that I'll be leaving it soon. Sadness wells up even more. I slap my cheeks. Isn't it just for like one day i'm visiting? Why do i have to make it a whole thing, plus, I've already said yes.

"I'll put Kate to bed, can you clean up for me?" Mom asked, her voice dropping lowly. moving to the upstairs slowly, making sure that Kate didn't fall or toss while both of them were on the stairs.

I picked up the remainder of our cake and ice cream battlefield. I dropped them off in the sink and turned the TV off in the living room going back upstairs to change into my pajamas to get a good rest for tomorrow's flight.

Mom said her goodnight's to Kate, looking at me who had changed into a simple black pj covering myself with my blanket, high above my neck.

"Goodnight," She said, "Love you."

"Goodnight mom."


It was about 3 in the morning, Mom packed my bags with tired and complicated eyes. Holding a sleepy Kate that wanted to be included, she folded and put clothes into my bag gently. I stood to the side since, in her words, "I can do it. You have a long trip." I just know she's as nervous as I am. Maybe even more.

I slowly walk over to her and grab the bag gently, putting all my clothes that i'm going to wear to this wedding in it. Albeit messily. Mom smiled at me slightly and put Kate in her crib.

Mom looked at me and sighed heavily, "Ren. I know how tough this is. your dad...he didn't make the best decisions, you know, so please just go to the wedding and enjoy yourself, he said he wants to see his son again."

My throat tightened for a moment. I feel myself getting emotional. I bat my eyes and breathe.

"He left us to fend for ourselves, not giving us a cut of cash," Mom hummed. I continued to speak calmly. "I think we've had enough fighting and just want to understand each other, "sneering at us as we left in that beat up old car—that's not something a 10 year old kid just doesn't forget. He had no regrets." I zip up my bag tightly.

I look at the sleeping Kate. "And the second time you guys got together wasn't any better. I don't mean it as bad, it's just, it was with him." Looking away I focus on rolling up my socks.

Kate started bawling, breaking the terrible atmosphere. I held her in my arms while she flailed and kicked at me, "no-no-no, Kate, look at me i'm sorry...Kate, shhhh." Kate hiccuped in my arms that held her with gentle and care. "Sorry, Kate, your brothers are just gonna go see a very bad man," I say.

She slowly calmed down while I rubbed circles slowly behind her back. Mom shakily collected her breath while I just pat Kate's back as she falls asleep on my shoulder.

"Let's just...head to the airport." Mom says, she put on her blue blouse and headed for the car, she pushed the key in, taking a few tries to start but it finally hums on.

I look out the window of the car, Kate in my lap, as I kiss her soft brown hair goodbye, and start plotting how to get on my fathers nerves, and expose that no good father of mine.

The drive there was quiet. Traffic was slow, making it an easier ride to the airport than I had thought.

What awaited me were 4 buff men in suits holding my name out, "I'm here," I called out to them and got one of the men's attention.

"ID please." he spoke with a gruff voice. I take out my ID and he looks over it, finally bowing while simultaneously the others bowed with him—crazily in sync.

"Welcome Mr. Maric, where to escort you to your private plane room's front desk." they eyed my mother and sister behind me in suspicion, he slowly walked forward until I put my hand on his chest and grit my teeth.

"Man, back off, that's my Mom and sister." I furiously say, words poking spikes at him. The bodyguard realized his mistake and seemed flustered and said sorry to both me and my family .

Finally escorting my whole family to a private runway while everyone stairs with tired eyes as we get to go somewhere first instead of waiting in line.

"Ren Maric?" the receptionist asked, plastering a sweet smile on her face. She looked like a girl probably in her 20s, at the desk. She glanced over at my Mom and Sister for a second before focusing all on me after she stared at my first class ticket. "yep. that's me," I plaster a smile on my face and she blushes. She hands me back my ticket and directs me to a secluded area for valued guests.

"Bye, Mom" I hugged her tightly.

"Oof. I love you too Ren. have a safe trip." Mom smiled at me.

"Bye bye buduh" Kate smiled, her pearly white teeth shining.

I hugged Kate too.

Leaving for the lounge. "You are 17, yes? first time on the plane alone..?" She tried to make small talk, taking me to the lounge. I quirked my eyebrows up at her, who batted her eyelashes.

"Yeah, I don't travel that often." I explained to her. Two attendants who took my suitcases were walking behind me, glancing at the attendant next to me weirdly who kept on talking to me like old friends.

"Well, you've come to the right place, we got inflight meals, TV shows, we can also provide other, services." she smiled while swaying her hips more.

I looked at her with my eyebrow still raised, "don't spread information about your traveler, I could sue you, you know? And, please don't offer any of your services to anyone under your age, it's creepy."

Her face brightened apple red immediately. We reached the lounge door, she bowed down with the rest of the attendants and hurried back saying 'sorry' the people behind her snickered— I think I heard a laugh?

I shake my head at the development. I never thought that would happen to me.

"Hello. I am your receptionist, ID please." I didn't give enough time to think, giving my ID to the person in charge whose expression did not change much.

"There is only one more person in here in this upgraded room with you, i hope that's okay Mr. Maric?" I nodded in reply. Sorta annoyed that my fathers last name has to be what they call me for a while here.

I sat down a little farther away from the man, looking around at the expensive room guessing the material they made it out of. Perks of working everywhere, you know a bit of everything.

The man had a small laptop in front of him making little noises every time he typed something. He glanced up, and spoke to me. his gray suit pressed nicely on his not so nice twig body, his glasses fixed on his nose bridge while he looked at me arrogantly, "who gave you a first class ticket? I doubt you're here for business or anything like that. It's weird," he rolled his eyes and focused back on his work.

"Um, nothing I do here is your business," I countered. The man stopped typing and made an ugly expression.

Do you know what happens when you meet someone that's not your family and has equal anger issues?

You have a cat fight.

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