Part -1

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Hey there, folks! Um, so I just wanted to clear something up really quick, okay? 🙈 You see, I know usually when you pick up a book, there's like, pictures of the characters and stuff, right? But here's the dealio – I didn't include any pics of the male or female lead, or any other characters. It's not because I'm lazy or anything (well, maybe a tad), but hear me out, okay? 😬

Imagine this: You open the book, all excited to meet the characters, and BAM! There's a random dude from Pinterest, you don't even like, staring back at you. Um, what? Yeah, nope, not gonna happen! 😅

Picture the Prince Charming of your dreams – maybe it's your coworker, classmate, husband/wife, boyfriend/girlfriend, or even that random hottie you saw at the coffee shop! 😳 Hey, love hits me in seconds, what can I say? 😂 Or maybe it's your childhood crush, your brother's best friend (yeah, that one's tricky cause vo to bhai hi hote hai na), or even someone with no face at all! Boys, maybe you can imagine your girl best friend, but let's try not to go there, okay? 😅

The thing is, I want you to feel like you're a part of the story. So go ahead, let your imagination run wild! Picture those dreamy eyes, that infectious smile, and those heart-fluttering moments as if they were happening right in front of you! 💖

And hey, if you ever feel lost, just remember – the heart wants what it wants, even if it's a fictional character! 😜Just close your eyes and imagine the most swoon-worthy, drop-dead-gorgeous, charming person you can think of – that's our hero or heroine, alright? 😍



(Can I have a quick chat over this with you? So, um, I've noticed something – a lot of people tend to skip the introduction when they start a book. 😕 And hey, no judgments here, but can I just say something? 🙏 Writers put a lot of time and dedication into crafting those intros, you know? It's like the appetizer before the main course!

So, I just wanted to kindly request – pretty please, with a cherry on top – that you give the introduction a chance? 🍒 It's there for a reason, and skipping it feels a bit, well, unclassy, you know? Plus, if a book doesn't have an intro, prologue or an epilogue or even a little thank-you note, it kind of feels like something's missing, right? And when we have it, we tend to skip it. 📖✨

I mean, we're not greedy for likes or comments or anything like that, promise! It's just... when you pour your heart and soul into something, a little appreciation through those comments and likes, it means the world! 🌍💕 So, if you could take a moment to read the intro – not just of this book, but of all the books that have it – that would be amazing!

Okay, sorry for rambling a bit there, but trust me, it's just for this part. 😅 I just wanted to get that off my chest. Thanks for listening, guys! You're the best! 💖 Now, let's dive into this adventure together, shall we? 🚀✨)


Dev Singh RajwanshAs the charismatic leader and CEO of Rajwansh Industries, Dev embodies both strength and vulnerability. His striking appearance—chiseled features, intense eyes—belies the tempest of emotions within. Determined to uphold the family legacy, he navigates the corporate world with an ironclad resolve. 

"In this game of power, hearts are mere pawns."

Dharya Singh Rajwansh: Dharya, Dev's father, is a man of wisdom. His tenure as the ex-CEO of Rajwansh Industries shaped the company's trajectory. His calm demeanor conceals a wealth of experience, and his advice remains a guiding light for Dev.

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