Part 2

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So, um, I know some of you might be getting a little suspicious about my writing style. Maybe it feels familiar, like you stumbled upon it a few months ago? Yeah, guilty as charged – that was probably me. 😅

If you don't recognize me, well, that's totally normal! The book I wrote back then didn't exactly have a lot of chapters, ended abruptly, and, um, didn't quite live up to expectations. 😬 Sorry about that, folks. I guess you could say it was a bit of a flop.

But hey, this time is different! I promise! 🤞 No disappearing acts or unfinished stories anymore, I swear! 🚀

So, uh, yeah. Thanks for giving me another chance, guys. Let's make this reading journey one to remember! 🌟 And hey, if you've got any doubts or concerns, feel free to drop them in the comments. I'm here to make things right! 💬✨


Neha felt the weight of the world crashing down on her as Dev applied the sindoor, marking the beginning of their married life. Her tears flowed uncontrollably, each drop a testament to the pain and despair churning inside her.

Her mind drifted back to the hospital where her family fought for their lives. Just moments ago, the shrill ring of her phone had shattered her peaceful afternoon. The voice on the other end delivered news that forever altered her life: her father's car had collided with another vehicle, leaving her entire family battered and broken. The hospital demanded a hefty sum for the necessary operations, plunging Neha into a desperate panic.

With her family's fate hanging in the balance, Neha's mind raced with thoughts of how to gather the money. Her family, though hardworking, was not wealthy, and the burden of their medical expenses seemed overwhelming. It was then that she remembered her connection to the elusive Dev Rajwansh. The man who ruled the business world with an iron fist, whose name adorned skyscrapers and echoed through boardrooms. She desperately dialed his number, her trembling fingers stumbling over the buttons. But the call went unanswered. Panic surged within her. She had heard whispers—rumors that he was about to tie the knot with a woman of equal stature.

With no other option left, she abandoned her phone and hailed a rickshaw. The driver eyed her curiously as she rattled off the address. She stood before the gates of the Rajwansh mansion, her heart racing like a trapped bird. The sun bore down mercilessly, casting long shadows across the marble courtyard. She clutched her ID, its edges crumpled from distressed handling, and pleaded with the guards.

"Please," Neha implored, her voice trembling. "I need to see Dev Rajwansh. It's a matter of life and death."

The guards exchanged wary glances. They were accustomed to the wealthy and influential seeking favors, but Neha's desperation was evident. Her tear-streaked face bore the weight of a thousand sorrows, and her eyes held a fierce determination.

"Miss," one of the guards said, adjusting his cap, "Mr. Rajwansh is busy with his wedding. We can't disturb him."

"But you don't understand," Neha insisted. "My family is in critical condition. They were in a terrible accident. The hospital demands an excessive sum for their surgeries. I have nowhere else to turn."

The other guard shifted uncomfortably. "We sympathize, but—"

"Please!" Neha's voice cracked. "I beg you. Let me speak to Mr. Rajwansh."

The guards exchanged another glance. Neha's plea tugged at their humanity. They hesitated, then reluctantly nodded. "Fine," the first guard said. "But be quick."

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