Part 3

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Hey there, fellow bookworms! 📚 Here's a little nugget of wisdom for you: never, ever skip foot liners! 🦶 Why, you ask? Well, aside from being a goldmine of witty remarks and hidden gems, they might just hold the key to unlocking the secrets of the universe! Or, you know, they could just make you chuckle. 😂


The grand hall was filled with a sea of guests, their faces a blur of anticipation and curiosity. The air was thick with the scent of incense and marigold, the traditional decorations adding a touch of elegance to the already lavish setting. At the center of it all, sat Dev in the mandap, his majestic aura undiminished despite the chaos around him. His eyes were not on the crowd, but on the hawan agni in front of him, its flames dancing in rhythm with his thoughts.

As the priest called for the bride, a hush fell over the crowd. All eyes turned towards the entrance, waiting for the woman who was to become a part of The Rajwansh family. But Dev's gaze remained fixed on the sacred fire.

After what felt like an eternity, he finally lifted his gaze. And there she was, Neha, walking down the aisle. She looked ethereal, her bridal attire enhancing her beauty, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. A sigh of relief escaped Dev's lips. She had made her choice. She was here.

The sight of Neha sent a wave of shock through Dev's family. They had been expecting Riya, the woman they had welcomed into their hearts as their future daughter-in-law. Their eyes darted towards Dev, seeking an explanation, but found him calm and composed. His stoic silence was their only answer. They trusted Dev, believed in his ability to handle the situation.

The media personnel present were quick to sense the tension. Their cameras focused on Dev and Neha, their pens poised to capture the unexpected twist. But seeing Dev's calm demeanor, they too chose to remain silent. 

And so, everything went with the flow. The rituals began, carried out under the watchful guidance of the priest. The sacred mantras filled the air, their rhythmic chants adding to the sanctity of the occasion. Dev and Neha followed the rituals, their actions mechanical, their minds lost.

As Dev tied the mangalsutra around Neha's neck, a symbol of their marital bond, he couldn't help but feel a strange sense of relief. Despite the circumstances, despite the deception, he knew he had made the right choice.

Neha, on the other hand, was fighting a battle of her own. With each ritual, she felt a part of her old life slipping away. But she held back her tears, her resolve unwavering. She was doing this for her family, and she wouldn't let anything stand in her way.

As they took the seven vows around the sacred fire, promising to stand by each other through thick and thin, they knew their lives were changing forever. They were strangers bound by a marital bond, their fates intertwined by a twist of destiny. 

 Dev and Neha sat side by side in the mandap, their faces illuminated by the soft glow of the sacred fire. Then came the moment everyone had been waiting for - the sindoor daan, the vermillion ceremony. Dev picked up a small silver container, its contents a vibrant red. The sindoor, a symbol of marriage and commitment. His hand was steady, belying the turmoil of emotions within him.

Neha's heart pounded in her chest, each beat echoing the gravity of the moment. She closed her eyes, a silent prayer on her lips.

With a deep breath, Dev dipped his ring finger into the container, coating it with the red powder. Time seemed to stand still as he brought his finger to Neha's hair parting. The room was silent, the guests holding their breath in anticipation.

And then, with a gentle touch, Dev applied the sindoor to Neha's parting. The vibrant red contrasted starkly against her dark hair, marking her as his wife. Their lives had been intertwined; their fates sealed with the application of the sindoor. As Dev withdrew his hand, Neha opened her eyes. She reached up, her fingers lightly touching the sindoor in her parting. It was real. She was married. Despite the circumstances, despite the deception, she was now Dev's wife.

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