Part 5

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Guess what? 🤔 From this moment on, buckle up because the rollercoaster ride of fun is about to kick off! 🎢 Get ready for some serious giggles, cheeky taunts, and oh-so-sassy remarks! 💁‍♀️ You know, those moments where you'll be like, "Did they just say that?" 😂 But hey, don't worry, it's all in good fun! 🤪

I can guarantee you're gonna love it, like seriously, LOOOOOVE it! ❤️ Get ready for those funny banters and those bittersweet fights🤣 It's gonna be like your favorite Bollywood movie (what's your go-to Bollywood flick by the way? 🎬)

Don't judge me, but I low-key adore "Vivah." 🙈 I mean, okay, okay, it might sound a tad old-fashioned, but admit it, we all secretly daydream about our shaadi times, right? And those songs! "Milan abhi adha adhoora hai 🤣"! I've practically choreographed my imaginary wedding to them a thousand times! 💃💍 It's one of those rare movies that keeps our faith in arranged marriage alive, you know? I mean, how can you hate it? 😉

So, what's your guilty pleasure movie, huh? Spill the beans! And let's dive into this crazy ride together! 💥😎


As the first rays of the morning sun filtered through the curtains, Neha stirred from her sleep. She woke up, rubbing her eyes, and looked around in confusion. The room was unfamiliar, the decor foreign. It took her a moment to remember where she was - in Dev's room, in the Rajwansh mansion, her new home.

She stretched, unraveling the knots of sleep. The bedside clock glared at her—7:30 AM. Panic surged. She was late for work, and her first day back after the whirlwind wedding was no time to make a delayed entrance.

Just as she swung her legs off the bed, the walk-in wardrobe door creaked open. Dev emerged, impeccably dressed in a charcoal suit. His tie was a shade darker, his cufflinks gleaming. Neha's eyes darted to his shoes—black leather, mirror-polished. The man was a walking advertisement for success.

Their eyes met, but Dev's gaze was indifferent, almost dismissive. Neha felt a pang of annoyance. She rolled her eyes at him, her irritation clear.

"Couldn't you have woken me up?". She glared at him, who sat on the sofa, phone in hand, as if the world outside didn't exist.

"I didn't know I was your personal alarm clock," his tone as frosty as the Himalayan peaks.

Neha huffed. "Well, now you know." She stormed toward the wardrobe, determined to prove herself. She'd clawed her way up from a small-town girl to a corporate powerhouse. She wouldn't let Dev's indifference unravel her.

After what felt like an eternity of fabric rustling and hairpins, she reemerged, draped in an elegant saree. Her hair cascaded down her back like a waterfall, and she stood before the dressing table, scrutinizing her reflection. "Kya baat hai, Neha Sharma," she murmured, her tone a little too excited. "You're looking hot today." She glanced at Dev, tauntingly adding, "Kajal laga lu, kahi nazar na lag jaae."

Dev didn't look up from his phone. "You're late," he said, as if stating the obvious.

Neha shot him a look. "I know," she retorted. "You're late too."

His eyebrows lifted. "Well, no one's gonna question me," he said, mockingly. "Perks of being the CEO, you know?" His gaze swept over her, assessing, before he added, "Can't say the same about you."

Her pulse raced. Challenge accepted. Neha would conquer the corporate battlefield. Her heels would echo louder than his polished Oxfords. She slung her bag over her shoulder, locking eyes with him and declared "I hate you."

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