Chapter Four : Forget

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"Thank you, minister, your donations are always appreciated," Kitty said forcing her mouth into something resembling a smile as she and Ruby saw their guests out.

The minister smiled as he shook her hand firmly, pressing a light kiss to her cheek. "Thank you, Miss O'Hara, you do good work. I'm sure all of your patients appreciate it." Kitty held her expression in a smile as she leaned around the minister to see Poppy shrugging on her coat.

"I spoke with young Mr Sallow tonight, an extraordinary talent he is..."

"Yes, extraordinary. Excuse me, sir I must say goodbye to my friend from school. Thank you for coming." Kitty hurried the words as she saw Poppy turn to leave, letting go of the minister's hand as she rushed to catch up with her.

She grabbed Poppy's arm firmly before the witch could step over the threshold. Poppy turned with a look of horror in her wide brown eyes, softening slightly when she realised who had grabbed her.

"Oh, it's you, Kitty. Listen thank you for allowing me into your...your home." She swallowed hard, her eyes flickering toward the dining room door, ", but I really must be off. I'm staying with my grandmother and she doesn't like me to be out too late."

"I'm sure she can wait a little longer, Poppy. I've barely spoken with you all night. Why don't you join me for a nightcap?" Kitty smiled, hoping her voice didn't betray the rush of anger swelling in her chest. Poppy's eyes widened again.

"Thank you, but I really mustn't, I-"

"I insist," Kitty said, tightening her grip firmly around Poppy's arm and steering her back into the house. Ruby was kissing Ann Sallow on the cheek as she bid her goodnight but caught Kitty out of the corner of her eye, a look of terror as she watched Kitty drag Poppy toward the back of the house, toward the patio.

"Kitty, thank you, again, the meal was lovely but really, I have somewhere to be." Poppy stuttered as Kitty pointed to a wrought iron chair in the back garden, where she and Ruby often drank wine and made plans for the business.

"Somewhere to be?" Kitty asked with a raised eyebrow, clicking her fingers to allow a bottle of white wine to materialise on the garden table with two glasses.

"Home, I mean. I have to go home." Poppy said, firmly, twisting the fabric of her dress between her fingers.

"Send your grandmother a patronus then, Poppy. You're twenty-four years old I'm sure you're allowed to stay out till at least midnight." Kitty smiled, trying still to keep her voice as even as possible.

Poppy swallowed hard nodding before pouring the wine into her glass only, draining the full thing and setting it back down on the table with a clumsy thunk. Kitty sat opposite her and refilled both glasses. The air was sweet and warm around them, the sky a deep inky blue, and the sun had long set across the Irish countryside. Kitty could hear her remaining guests bid farewell from inside the house, and soon enough she could see Ruby lingering through the window, pushing blonde hair away from her eyes so she could eye the two witches sitting outside.

"So," Kitty said, looking away from Ruby and back to her wine glass.

"So," echoed Poppy, her mouth a hard line as she tried to look anywhere but into Kitty's eyes.

"How long have you been back?" Kitty asked over the lip of her wine glass. Poppy's eyes flickered slightly as she responded.

"A few months.

"I see. What brought you home? Ran out of dragons to save?" A little bit of the venom that Kitty had been trying to suppress crept its way into her voice. She cringed inwardly as she noticed Poppy flinch at her tone.

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