Chapter Nine : An Hour

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Kitty felt as though she was moving in slow motion as she glided down the stairs her fingers trembling around the piece of parchment. She could hear laughter and chatter from the kitchen, Ruby was shrugging on a dark blue shawl around her arms, turning with a smile at her cousin, which fell as soon as she read the expression on Kitty's face.

She opened her mouth to ask but Kitty pressed her index finger to her lips, indicating she'd tell Ruby later. Her cousin frowned and nodded turning away from her and back to her mother. Kitty tried to build a soft wall around her mind as she walked back into her kitchen, keeping her thoughts on her appearance and the night ahead, tucking the words on the note far away in the corner of her mind where her father couldn't see it.

"Right, ladies, shall we, Professor Onai? There's still time to change your mind." Bella added, shrugging a black shawl over her shoulders. Professor Onai smiled shaking her head.

"No thank you, Lady Sloan. I'll let my daughter enjoy a night with her friends alone." She turned to Natty with a look that said 'Behave yourself.' Before embracing her daughter in a tight hug.

"Very well, girls say your goodbyes, I expect there shall be photographers and we will want to make an entrance."

Kitty felt her stomach lurch and her eldest brother smiled at her before leaning into her ear.

"Remember, treat them mean keep them keen." He purred.

"Got it." Kitty laughed with an eye roll, Asmodeus grinned down at her, pecking her lightly on the cheek before moving on to Ruby. Malachi was chewing the inside of his cheek as he gazed down at his daughter.

"Avoid the Slytherin lads, I hear they're the worst." He said through a tight-lipped grin. Kitty nodded awkwardly, unsure how to approach farewell with her father now they were more familiar with each other. Their skin never touched, and if it did it was by accident, followed by a rush of apologies and awkward laughing.

"I'll stick to the Gryffindor then," Kitty said in response and her father snorted in amused disgust.

"Well...good luck. Don't do anything I wouldn't do." He smiled wider.

"That's what Ominis said." Kitty laughed, her shoulders dropping.

"Hm. Well, he was always more level-headed than I...I suppose you're better off listening to him."

Kitty could hear the others making their way into the office toward the Floo flame, leaving just her and her father standing alone in the kitchen. Malachi stared down at her and Kitty stared back, unsure what to say or do next.

"Well...I suppose I better go before Auntie Bella has an aneurysm." Kitty smiled turning over her shoulder to see her Aunt at the end of the hall, tapping her foot impatiently.

"Yes, quite." Malachi smiled with a wink toward his sister, who rolled her eyes. He turned back to Kitty and tilted his head to the side slightly, as though trying to work something out.

"Hecate, is there something you wish to tell me?"

"No," Kitty said almost before her father had finished speaking. He frowned and nodded. "Very well. Off you go then."

Kitty turned from her father quickly, striding past her Aunt and cousin and straight into the Floo, the feeling of her father's gaze still burning into her back...

"Welcome, welcome! Ladies who are being presented, please line up against the far wall. Everyone else can make their way toward the Great Hall! That includes parents and escorts - Lady Sloan I'm looking at you!"

The grey-haired witch in charge had a sour look on her face as her eyes brushed over the ladies milling around in the entrance hall. She held a clipboard close to her chest and her eyebrows were thin and severe over her hooded lids. Belladonna huffed and pulled Natty alongside her as the two of them vanished toward the great hall.

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