Chapter Eight : Dark

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And so Malachi did stay for dinner that evening. And the night after that...and every night after that.

He was beginning to become part of the furniture, taking his old bedroom on the west wing of the manor, a few doors down from Kitty. He'd been welcomed by Ruby who didn't seem phased by his presence, Natty and her mother however barely looked him in the eye.

Malachi was unphased by this, Kitty had noticed he seemed like a different man rather than the broody, sulky character she'd had him painted as for years. He would wake early and she'd see him sitting on his balcony, joint in hand sipping a coffee as he watched the sun rise over the hills, eyes closed as he let the warm sun bathe his face. One morning she'd even caught him whistling...

About a week after Kitty had woken from her "long nap" as everyone had christened her coma...Belladonna burst through the floo flame, along with her house elf who was balancing so many boxes one on top of the other that the only thing visible was her little legs.

"Right." Belladonna screeched clapping her hands so loud that Emerald jumped in her frame, Ominis painting however simply rolled his eyes and stood to pour himself a drink.

"I come baring gifts, where's your cousin?" Asked Bella, her teeth dazzling and sharp as she grinned down at her niece.

Kitty fought the urge to roll her eyes as she marked the page in her book and yelled Ruby's name as loud as she could.

Belladonna winced and said "Acting like that will not get you a husband, Kitty. Very unladylike."

"Good." Huffed Kitty, standing to relieve the household of her many boxes. The little elf audibly sighed and massaged her fingers.

"You couldn't have sent these in the post? Or carried them yourself?" Asked Kitty sceptically as she placed the boxes in the armchair she was sitting on.

Belladonna snorted removing her gloves from her fingers. "As if."

Ruby bound into the room, white hair swishing behind her, followed closely by Malachi who frowned upon seeing his sister. Bella raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"This is a pleasant surprise brother. Have you been supporting your daughter ahead of the marriage season?"

Malachi ignored her and twitched his head toward the boxes now piled high on the armchair.

"What's all this?" He asked nodding toward the white boxes. Bella smiled turning to the boxes and naming each in turn.

"Dresses, jewellery, undergarments-"

"Okay! Enough. I'll leave you all to it." He grumbled, looking like his old self as he sulked back through the hallway.

An hour later Kitty was fidgeting behind the door of her bathroom, her eyes were squeezed shut. Ruby had already tried on the dress picked by her mother, a sleek silvery blue fitted number, which showed an awful lot of her cousin's slender back. Natty and Professor Onai had come to watch and all of them were now gathered in Kitty's bedroom, sipping champagne. Kitty's heart had pounded when she'd seen her gown.

"Kitty! Stop being ridiculous, come out and let us see!"

"I... I can't go out in public looking like this!" Kitty yelled back through the wood of the door. She could practically hear her Aunt roll her eyes.

"That was made especially for you, Kitty. You've not got a choice."

Kitty took a deep breath, she dare not look at herself in the mirror of the bathroom, the fabric clung to her body as she whipped the door open, shoulders tensed as she waited for a response.

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