And the losses begin 🤧

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Three Loss In a Summer

Chapter 6 [And the losses begin]
It was the next day and it was a school day, I couldn't think... I am about to lose one of my faves.. I don't know what this feeling is and how to stop it but it drained me up for the whole day.. I was avoiding Julian, and I didn't go over to their place so as not to increase the obsession... I locked myself in my room feeling down and playing DLS(a football mobile game).. then I got a knock.."come in" then Bonita walked in "sup Mason" "Hey Bonita" I replied happily of course "what brought you over" I asked "My home is boring and I felt like coming over" she replied "ohh" quite shocked "so what you doing?" She asked "Nothing really...... Just on my phone" I didn't understand why she would ask that though..." Well should we go to the park and play some Basketball"... I wasn't surprised at this because she is kinda a sport person... We went off to the park.. played some 1v1 and gisted as I saw Gloria (my junior in school) being cuddled by another guy... *My gosh* I thought "GLORIA?!" I yelled... But she wasn't reluctant.."Mason, who you with" she replied "No who are you with" I replied "oh, he is my boyfriend, didn't I tell you about him, oh you were not listening... Well, he is a senior, he has two cars" "that's cool" I replied rather solemnly "Bye" I waved as they went farther into his car... Bonita noticed "anything wrong??" She asked.. I didn't want her to know I like Gloria.. so I put on a bold face "would you believe that?" I laughed strongly, it was quite odd.. as I began to head home, I knew Bonita noticed but she said nothing.. and that made my losses TWO and you surely can't predict what happened the next Sunday 🤧😭


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