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Ahhh, what is that beeping? Make it stop.

I feel around beside my pillow for my phone and throw it across the room. Why does it have to be so noisy? And why does my head feel like a purse filled with bricks has whacked it a thousand times?

Mercifully, the noise stops and I struggle to sit up in my bed. Looking around the room I'm relieved to find, it is indeed my dungeon and not someone else's.

The only good quality this place has is its nice and dark when it comes to hangovers. Not that I drink much. Becks is such a bad influence, making me pub-crawl last night.

She groans from the floor in a shadowy pile of blankets, next to where my phone landed. Whoops, that was close. The screen lights up again as it beeps, and it's far too bright for my uncomfortably dry eyes.

An arm reaches out from under the blanket mountain, grabs my phone and tosses it back at me. I duck just in time as it flies past my head and hits the wall.

"Hey, you break it, you bought it!"

All I get in reply is her middle finger.

"Grumpy cow," I say as I grab my phone and investigate who is annoying me at-I look at the time-ten on a Thursday morning, so bloody early.

There's a couple of missed calls and a few emails from the local real estate agent. I stare for a good minute trying to remember why I'd be getting an email from her. What did I do yesterday? Becks and I had lunch, then shots, then...

"Holy shit!"

"What? I'm up, I'm up, what's happening?" Becks sits bolt upright looking about the dark room.

"I bought a house!"

"A bloody big one if I remember correctly," she says, then flops back onto her pillow.

"Wait," I say, scanning the email. "I put in an offer and it's been accepted. I need to go in today to finalise everything."

Becks sits bolt upright again. "Holy shit."

"What?" I ask.

"You bought me a house too."

"Ha, I did too."

It's all coming back to me now. There's another email with the details of Becks's new place. A two-bedroom cottage with an office space to work from home. It's close to town and will be perfect for her tattoo business.

Usually when I wake up in my cold dungeon of a flat, I start the day feeling slightly miserable. But today, all I want is to see this house, move in, and get started. Oh, and buy a new car, because by the looks of things my new house is next to the old Summerfield estate and a bit of a drive. I doubt my electric scooter would make it even halfway there.

I used to go to Summerfield heaps when my mum was alive. Its grounds are massive, great for picnics and walks. The large house is cool to visit too, when it's open in the warmer months for visitors. Then it hits me like a tonne of bricks-it's the perfect location for a B&B. It's official, I'm a genius drunk.

"Get up, bum face. We've got lots to do today," I say as I roll out of my lumpy single bed. My head pounds for a moment as I stand, but I'm too excited to let it slow me down.

Becks groans again from the floor. "This new found motivation is making me like you less. Be a normal twenty-eight-year-old please and bury your head back under the covers."

"Too late, I'm up. And the light is going on in three, two, one..."

"I hate you."

"Love you too. Now get your ass up."

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