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The rain is pouring and Matt is fascinated with my window wipers. I can tell he's trying to distract himself from his thoughts. It was only yesterday his mum found out about what he's been up to. And now we're on our way to see his grandmother.

The lady on the phone didn't tell us much about her condition, but said Mrs Montgomery very much enjoys receiving visitors. Her memory isn't too good, but she's a dear, apparently.

I suddenly feel sad for her. Not knowing what happened to her daughter? Probably thinking she's dead. So many years of pain, possibly because of someone else's selfish actions. We still know little about the wardrobe and whether it was deliberately moved. Another mystery to add to our investigations.

Matt's leg keeps bouncing away anxiously, so I reach over and grab his hand. He looks at our fingers intertwined, then into my eyes, and a shy smile spreads across his face. I squeeze his hand to reassure him.

"If you want, I can come in with you," I say to him. I was planning on waiting in the car, but if he needs support, I don't mind.

He nods his head. "Yes, please. I'm not sure what to expect, and your presence makes me feel more at ease."

Swoon, he definitely knows what to say to make a girl feel special. I'm going to be gutted when he leaves. I push that thought to the back of my mind. That's a problem for future Wyatt. He's here now. He needs my help and I want to just enjoy the time we spend together.

I know I should guard my heart, but it's been a long time since I've felt like this about anyone, and I haven't even known him for that long.

I park the car, and we head for the retirement village's main entrance. We have to sign in and get directions to her room. Apparently, they moved her to the hospital wing a few weeks ago because of a nasty fall she had. But the nurse behind the counter reassures us she's doing well and if she keeps improving, she'll be back in her room in no time.

I hold Matt's hand the whole way. I can feel his pulse beating fast. They told us she likes to read before lunch, so she should be in her room.

We get to the door that says number twelve and I knock before Matt has any more time to freak out.

"Come in," comes a muffled response.

We enter the room, and I look about. There's a big hospital bed in the middle, with a TV up on the wall at the foot of it. The meal tray on wheels is sitting to the side of the bed and in the corner all snuggled up under multiple blankets, relaxing on a comfy looking lazy boy with her feet up, is Mrs Montgomery reading Mansfield Park.

She looks up over the top of her glasses at us as we enter. Intrigued at having visitors, she sets down her book and gives us her full attention.

"You look too handsome to be on staff here," she says to Matt in a shaky posh voice.

So handsome, he'd have the little old ladies eating out of the palm of his hand if he worked here.

He crouches down next to her and takes her hand in his. "Thank you, I think. I have actually come to visit you. It has recently come to my attention that we are related."

Her other hand goes to her throat. "Handsome and well spoken. Such a rare thing these days," she says.

He smiles up at her, and I can tell she's scrutinising his every feature.

"Hmm, yes, I see a resemblance to my husband, Alfie. He's very handsome too, you know. Are you a Montgomery then?"

"Sort of," he replies.

"I'm not sure where he's gone off to, most probably golf. He loves his golf. He will no doubt be keen to meet you," she says, her face lighting up as she talks about Alfie.

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