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If someone had told me last year I'd be sitting around a funky Ikea table, in my crusty old mansion with Becks and a man born two hundred years ago, reading old newspaper clippings, I'd have thought the cheese had slid off their cracker. But here we are.

Now that we know what happened to Louise Montgomery, it's time to turn our efforts towards finding Matthew's Aunt Charlotte, or as I like to call her, Aunty Char.

He told his family that he was going to visit a friend up in Derbyshire-their time, but he's actually staying at a little inn close to town-our time. Man, this could get confusing. Apparently, he's the only one (apart from his mum) that knows about our magical wardrobe.

Sounds like he's pretty close to Louise. His older brother, Felix, the future Earl, is off gallivanting in London for the season and his younger brother Conrad is at university.

"When does Frank get here?" Becks asks.

"Any minute now," I say.

"Cool, cool," she says, feigning nonchalance.

But she can't fool me and I subtly shake my head.

Then five minutes later. "Allo, allo, allo, everyone. Beautiful day for a spot of demolition, don't you think?" It's frank, and he's oozing energy. Which is great, because this house is going to test his limits. It's certainly been testing mine with its handsome two hundred-year-old geriatric and all.

Becks is up and shaking Frank's hands in a matter of seconds.

"So you must be the daft chap who agreed to transforming this pile?"

Great first impression, Becks, just insult the hired help. Luckily, he laughs at her and nods his head.

"It's a passion of mine, transforming dilapidated shit-holes."

"Hey, steady on Frank," I say. "This is my baby we're talking about here."

"Not to worry, Miss Smith, we'll have her shipshape in no time."

I smile at him, then look over at Matthew, who has been stuck in his chair the whole time, looking at all of us in utter fascination.

Once introductions have been made, I pack up my things.

"Right, we'll get out of your hair, Frank. Matthew's visiting from out of town and desperately needs a change of clothes. He had to dress up for that high tea they had up at Summerfield house yesterday and some silly twat stole his bag. Clothes, wallet, everything," I say, trying to come up with an excuse why he's dressed like Mr bloody Darcy.

"Cheeky buggers," Frank says.

"For sure. Anyway, let's go, you lot."

"Actually, I think I'll hang about a bit, you know, just in case the guys need a hand with anything. If that's okay with you, of course, Frank?"

"Oh aye, not a problem. Actually, before I forget Miss Smith, would it be okay to bring my missus around for a look sometime? She once knew the young lady who went missing all those years back, and my darling Lottie would be chuffed to have a look around this old place again."

"Of course, she can come any time. Mi casa es su casa," I say and look at Matthew. Perhaps we can have a chat with Lottie and see if she remembers much from back then.

Frank heads off to go consult with his team and Becks walks us to the door.

"I have two words for you Becks, darling Lottie, so no getting up to mischief," I tell her.

"Calm ya farm. I'm very aware I can't touch, but that doesn't mean I can't have a cheeky perv. And who knows, maybe there's some single hunks on his team."

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