The Scores Are In

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Hello everyone! Sorry for going MIA for a bit. I've been quite busy over the past month, and unfortunately, that's not going to change for the next few months. As such, updates to the story will be less frequent.

I hope that doesn't deter you, as we get closer to the main event, so I hope you'll stick around. With that said, thank you for your patience and enjoy the chapter.

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I didn't know what I was thinking or what possessed me to do so, but what I did in that session was idiotic. For some reason, a part of me thought that showing off my prosthetic would showcase some strength, but instead it did the exact opposite. The moment I felt my leg slip and lose its grip, I knew I was done for. Everyone would know that I was a liability. An easy target for the other tributes. And what self-respecting, hideous citizen of the Capitol would want to throw a sponsor at me.

My efforts were useless. They always were. The fact that I even tried was laughable. Of course, this would happen to me. I was dead the day I got picked at the stupid Reaping. I would be dead on the first day, just like I predicted before. I would be dead. Dead. Blood. The fire burned around me. I couldn't breathe. My chest was constricting. Everything was darkening around me.

Do everything you can to make the Capitol like you.

One of you has to win, you hear me?! Do whatever it takes!

I... I can't even imagine losing you. You're all I have.

And our male tribute for District 7 is...

"Hiccup? Hiccup, can you hear me?" I gasped audibly, feeling it vibrate in my body. Suddenly, I found myself sitting on the floor, with my back against the wall. I didn't know where I was, if I somehow made it to the tribute house or still in the corridors. All I knew was that my body was burning up and as my vision finally began to clear, I found Astrid crouching in front of me, her warm hands gripping my shoulders and a look of deep concern across her face.

"Hey, you're here?" She asked. Though her voice sounded muffled due to the blood rushing through my ears, it was clear enough for me to briefly nod in response.

Astrid breathed a sigh of relief. "OK, OK. Listen to me, OK? You have to breathe. Like this." She took a deep inhale, holding it for short time before exhaling. "Copy what I'm doing."

It took every ounce of me to push through the heavy weight of my chest, but eventually, I did as she asked. Though I coughed harshly from it, I continued to follow her. The pain in my chest soon subsided and I could feel my surroundings more. Everything was coming clear.

"I'm s-still here..." I began to chant, letting go of the death grip to my chest. "I'm still here... I'm still... here." I let out one long sigh before collapsing against the wall, closing my eyes to station myself.

"Hiccup?" I heard Astrid call me, this time sounding clearer.

"I... I can hear you. I'm here..." I breathed out. It seemed enough for her, as I felt her hands leave my shoulders. I wanted to speak up, tell her to keep them there, but I didn't have the strength to. I opened my eyes again, still finding her next to me, still having that concerned look.

"What... What happened?" I looked around the place, realising I was inside my bedroom. Although I couldn't remember how I got here.

"You don't remember?" Astrid raised her eyebrow. I shook my head in response, prompting her to sigh. "I don't know what happened before you came here, but once you did, you were in a haze. We were talking to you, but you didn't reply. Suddenly, you went to your room, so I followed you. Then..." She then gestured towards me. "I found you like that."

The Hunger Games: Fight To Survive (HTTYD/Animation Crossover AU)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя