Chapter 5 (Edited)

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I never...

I've never seen Marito fight like this before...!

Standing beside Outa, the latter with a leg cast and a crutch, I watched as Marito and the leader of Minato Kai, Kenchiro, fought on the not-up-to-date platform. For some reason, I was feeling worried.

He and Kenchiro had fought before, probably more than once, due to their movements. All of those dodges and blocked strikes, they most definitely did.

The sight before me, I was in disbelief.

For all the times I've seen Marito fight, it was always about him being excited and full of thrill.

This time he was serious.

I guess that him becoming a gang leader changed him a bit during the five years I was gone. Giving him some resemblance of responsibility.

With one final strike, the impact of their attacks colliding caused the unstable concrete platform they were on to collapse. A cloud of dust formed once it fell, making everyone in the abandoned facility freeze, including myself.

Once the dust was cleared, both Kenchiro and Marito were knocked out on top of the rubble.

Without thinking, I jumped off the ledge I was on and ran over to Marito's unconscious body. His sister ran out of wherever she was hiding to check up on him.

The rivalry between the two of us being pushed to the back burner. Not like it should matter. He could be dead for fuck's sake!

"Oi! Adrenaline Junkie!!" I called out, shaking him roughly and checking his pulse, hoping that he would wake up from that.

"Wake up! Your sister is worried about you damn it!!"

Even with our combined efforts, me and Mahoro couldn't wake him up. He was knocked out cold.

During this, Arajin came up and asked Mahoro if he should call an ambulance. To which she jerked her head and glared at him, telling him that she was done with him.

If I wasn't trying so hard to wake up Marito right now, I would've been relieved about not having to deal with a one-sided attraction anymore.

While Arajin was in shock, I saw a guy with pale blue hair and glasses stalk to the front of the army of NG Boys with pipes. The boy had a special type of whip that resembled a sword when taut.

I can only assume that he was the leader, or "The Emperor". I need to be careful and analyze his movements before I fight him. From hearing rumors, it would be better not to underestimate him and go in recklessly.

On his command, the army of NG Boys raised their pipes and began to rush at the Minato and Siguma members, going in for the attack. Immediately, the two different groups forgot about the initial conflict and began rushing forward.

It was now an all-out war.

"Shit, "I cursed under my breath, watching as the fighting had begun.

Looking back down at Marito and the fighting going on, I clenched my fist before facing Mahoro.

"Stay with your brother and try to wake him up, ok?" I told her, her looking up at me with a look of shock before nodding. Knowing it was not the time to fight.

Nodding in return, I began to discreetly rush into the fight. It would be better to try to lighten the load than to rush straight in.

Sneaking through the fighting crowd, I did everything I could to take down as many NG Boys as I could. Avoiding any strikes from their pipes as I helped out. A couple of Minato and Siguma members saw what I was doing and started to assist me in this endeavor. Making me nod and thumbs up in response, thankful for the help.

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