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Two months had passed since the ball, but none of Tommy's words had come true. A week after the ball, Simons Land took care of the last part of Las Nevadas, and Las Nevadas was no more. However, Simons Land was not satisfied and went straight for Eggpirre. Within seven days, they acquired more territory, and it wasn't small. That's when Wilbur decided to take action. He began formulating a plan to defeat Simons Land and sent letters and messages to Tommy, urging him to stop this madness, but no response came.

Wilbur knew that Tommy wasn't doing this willingly. Dream had fully taken control of him, supposedly. His little Tommy would never do such things.

Everything came to a head when Clementine and Shroud appeared. According to them, their dad had gone completely crazy, confirming to Wilbur that Dream was in control.

"What are you doing right now?" Wilbur asked, watching as Clementine read a small book in her hands.

"I'm trying to find a way to call grandma. Ah! Here it is." Clementine said excitedly, clicking a few times.

At that moment, a woman of medium height in black clothes with a black crow on her shoulder appeared there.

"Granny!" Two children ran straight to the woman and embraced her. She smiled at them and greeted them as if they hadn't seen each other in a long time.

The president, however, just stood there, staring at the woman. He couldn't believe she was there. "Mom?" he asked, surprised.

When the woman in black opened her arms for him too, he ran to her as well. She was there. She was real, and she hugged him. He really liked her embrace. He felt like a little boy again, even though he was grown up.

"You've grown so much," she smiled and ran her fingers through the taller brunette's hair. He liked it. At that moment, he liked every touch from his mother. He was so amazed by her presence that even if she stabbed him in the back with a knife, he would enjoy it.

"Thank you, I've tried," he grinned and hugged her once again. After so many years, she was here. Almost twenty-two years. She last left when Tommy was six.

"And what about the rest? Little Tommy and Techno with Phil?" she asked, somewhat disappointed, looking around to see if she could spot them.

"Interesting that you ask. Techno is in his Antarctic Empire kingdom, and dad is probably somewhere with him. Tommy... he's a bit more complicated to explain. Somehow, he has a madman inside him who forces him to do things against his will," the brunette said sadly, lowering his gaze.

The woman in black smiled and stroked his cheek. Then she took Shroud into her arms and hugged him more tightly.

"That's very bad, but I'm glad I'm here. I can help you. Is that why you called me?" the woman in black asked.

"Yes, that's why we called you. It's bad. I want dad back," Clementine said, joining the embrace. It was evident that they really loved their grandmother.

"And what is required of me?" she asked, looking at her grandchildren, who seemed to be communicating through eye contact.

"We need to get into dad's mind. Somewhere deep in his subconscious, he's still our dad," Shroud smiled, and the woman in black pondered.

"I can try, but it's hard to say what will happen," the woman smiled, and a black glow emanated from her hands.

"Can you also get Techno and Phil there? It's also their fault that Tommy is where he is," the brown-haired president asked, and the woman laughed.

"Of course," she said, and everything turned black.

After a while, they all woke up in motion. They were traveling in something quite fast. It was a train. Many people had already tried to get a train running to help with transportation, but so far, no one had succeeded. But now they were in one. It was one long carriage with seats in rows. Wilbur woke up in one of them.

Destroyed ball ENG✓Where stories live. Discover now