Chapter One: A Secret Won't Kill

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"You need to turn around and never look back, William. You're not meant to be a Hunter."

Wilbur shot his head up, wide-eyed as he began to shake. "Pardon?" He forced out, brow furrowing as he straightened his back in a mock attempt of intimidation. "You can't do that! Do you know who my father is?" he demanded. "Who my mother was? Have you never heard of Technoblade? You cannot kick me out, or I swear, all hell will break loose—!"

His professor slammed his books down. "You can't even kill a vampire, William! You can't survive this academy if you're not willing to kill!" He hissed, before sighing when he saw William's frozen state that had recoiled at his outburst. "Look, you're a good kid, William. You've come from a long line of strong vampire hunters who have saved humanity multiple times and are worshiped at their feet, and I think it's beginning to wear on you. You think you have to be like them, but you're not, Will. You're not anything like them, so stop trying to follow in their footsteps. You're just going to end up putting yourself in danger."

William began to shake his head. "No, no, no, no," he insisted. "You don't understand! I must graduate! I must be a Hunter!"

His professor solemnly shook his head, eyes filling with sympathy."I'm sorry, William. You may have been taught to believe that you have to, but you don't. Hunting just isn't for you, so it's mandatory I expel you so you can find something that is."

"But—" he began, "how will I uphold the family name if you do not let me? The people will snicker not only to me but to them! They'll be forever dragged down as the brothers whose brother betrayed them, or the father whose son abandoned him! I can't just not be a hunter."

"There are other ways, William," the professor stated. "You could go into politics, and strive to become president—you have a way with your words that will allow yourself to influence the world if you pleased. Or you could go into music, with that skill and talent you have, and perhaps you'll become famous and adored by all."

With the look on William's face, his professor went quiet for another moment before sighing once more and putting a hand on the taller's shoulder. "Look, kid, what I'm saying is that you have a lot of other opportunities to become more than what your family is if upholding their reputation is what you desire most. But what you truly need to focus on is yourself," he tried. "And to do that, you need to be able to do your job, let alone enjoy it."

"I'll let you tell your family," his professor continued. "I'll pretend you're still my student if they so ask, all the way up to graduation if that's what you need. Just go be you. Live your life, discover yourself, and find your footing in the world. It's going to be hard, finding footing that isn't what your ancestors set as a path for you, but I know you can do it. You're strong, William."

Wilbur scoffed in response as he rolled his eyes. "Not strong enough to kill a vampire."

His professor offered a sad smile. "Not all of us are born as predators, William."

William disregarded his words, walking out of the classroom with his head down and fists curled in his crossed arms in frustration.

How would he tell his father that he failed? How would he pretend to continue schooling if he lied to his family?

Could he lie?

Was he even willing to try just to escape disappointment? Was he willing to attempt to betray all of their trust on the off chance they disowned him?

Would they disown him?

"No, of course they wouldn't," he comforted himself as he reached the many roads of the city.

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