Chapter Three: First Friend

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"William!" Tommy screeched as William ran down the stairs. "Are you fuckin' serious? Did you really just shove me?"

"Nope!" Will called back with a grin, hopping over the bed to reach for the remote first. "No idea what you're talking about, Toms! Maybe you just tripped over nothing!"

Tommy slid down the railing—something he only did when neither Techno nor their father were home to gripe at him—with a scowl and narrowed eyes. "You seriously shoved me to get to the remote first?"

"I don't know what your problem is, Tommy," William smiled, "because you know I'll always get to it first."

"That's because you're mean."

"No," William insisted with a grin. "I'm just stronger and faster than you. And besides, you shove me all the time!"

"You are not a better man than me, Will! I'm the best of them all! And I hit you because you fuckin' deserve it! I don't deserve nothing because I'm a wrong'n like you!"

"Uh huh, sure, Toms," Will deadpanned. "Now shut up, I'm watching Shallow Grave."

Tommy sat beside him on the couch with a grin as William set up the movie. "Why not My Little Pony, Will?"

Will glared at him from the side. "No My Little Pony, Tommy," he spat, "Friendship is fuck!"

Tommy sighed as he leaned back dramatically. "I don't know what you have against friendship, William, I really don't."

William began to go back to the couch as the disc started going into the DVD player. "Because friendship is fuck, Toms. I've never been able to find friends because everyone is a stuck-up asshole! You can't trust anyone," he spat, before adding on, "in the Academy. They're all out to get more famous than you."

Tommy frowned. "Is the Academy really that bad? Then why do Techno and Dad push us so hard to get into it?"

Will sucked in a breath and bit his lips as he focused on getting the movie running. "It's not the Academy," he said, partially lying, "just the people."

Tommy perked up a bit, rubbing his hands through his curls, causing Will to scoff and tell him to stop ruining his curls. He didn't respond, but he put his hand down. "How's the Academy other than the people?"

William began to pick at his nails, acting as if he was fidgeting with the remote, as he bit his lips once more. He held his breath, but only for a second, as if to prepare himself to lie to Tommy. "It's indescribable, Tommy," he finally spoke up with some hesitancy, "You'll love it."


William wandered the streets after dropping off Tommy, picking at his sleeves as he forced his face to remain straight as strangers peered at him. They gazed as if he was a zoo animal, they whispered to friends and family about his childhood, as if they were family members.

Maybe they considered themselves his family because they knew so much about him. But he didn't know them at all.

He was like a one–way mirror. They peer in, but he can't peer back out.

They spoke of him like they were noting down every last move, as if studying an experiment, or a new species.

Will suppressed a flinch as he felt the harsh sting that comes when he tears too much sting. He pushed the finger up against his uniform inside the pocket to soothe the burn and just in case it was bleeding or began to. He used his other hand to slightly loosen his collar and straighten it some more.

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