Chapter Five: Fight To Kill? Not So Much

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"Pull the trigger, William!" Techno's voice demanded. Will's hands shook over the trigger, blind as a blindfold had been placed over his eyes.

His heart threatened to leave his chest.

Was there a vampire tied up right in front of the gun?

What if Techno was trying to trick him into him killing a vampire again?

"Pull the damn trigger, William!"

"I—I can't!" I can't kill an innocent.

"Yes, you can, William! You can't see anything in front of you, so pull the trigger!"

"I can't!" I can't become you, he insisted.

"What do you mean you 'can't'? Get over it, it's all in your mind!"

"I said I can't!" Will screamed, throwing the gun down. "I can't, I can't," he cried, ripping the blindfold out before holding himself. "I said I can't, Techno. Drop it."

Techno glared at him.


William grit his teeth as his face was slammed to the side. He moved fast, moving to kick Techno in the back. Techno dodged, twisting around, he shoved William forward again.

"Is that all you got?" Techno taunted. He grabbed Will's fist that tried to punch him, twisting it and throwing him back to the side. "You're more of a rag doll than a Hunter for a Kraftz."

"I'm more of a human than you ever were," he retorted, wiping off the blood on his nose after being punched there. Heart pounding in his chest and side screaming in pain, he surged forward, only to be swiftly thrown to the side by Technoblade.

He's always been better than him.

The thought made Wilbur sneer.

"I'm more of a Kraftz than you ever were," he growled back. He dodged a throw from his twin, making them both swing around to face each other. "I've done more than you could ever do for this country!"

Will scoffed. "You want to be a hero, Techno? You're just the villain." He suffered another blow to the chest from Techno, leaving his stumbling and trying to desperately catch his breath.

"The villain to who, William?" he shouted, grabbing Wil as he attempted to throw another punch. "I'm a hero to the people! I'm just the villain to you, so you think you're the hero in this story?"

He released Will, letting him stumble back as he panted. Techno stood there with a glare, ready to lunge forward.

"You want to be the hero, William," he stated. "That's it right? You want to be the hero of this world?" he taunted. "Then die like one!" he screamed.

He lunged forward, slamming Will to the ground.

He started to get back up, but let himself fall back down from the shock. Techno wanted him dead?

He stayed on the ground long after Techno left the training room.


"Bad day?" the woman working the cafe asked with a gentle smile and soft eyes. Wilbur wanted to assume she was Niki, as Quackity had told him one of his vampires by the name of Niki owned this cafe, and she was very sweet, but he didn't want to be embarrassed. A few more of their coven members worked there, including a human Tubbo with his vampire friend named Ranboo.

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