Chapter Six: First Day, First Encounters

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"Your job is mostly just standing here, keeping watch of people playing their games," Quackity instructed. Wil nodded, enticing him to continue. "You have to keep watch to catch cheaters and make sure winners get their winnings and no fights break out. You'll be surprised how much of them act like toddlers," he joked, getting a laugh and a grin out of Wil.

Quackity continues leading him around, pointing out where people are already looking to cause trouble. They were able to call out several people trying to pull a quick one, of which to quickly get corrected and embarrassed at their tables. Quackity showed him to a few of his coven members disguised as humans, introducing him as Wilbur Soot to them, of which they were playing the games themselves

"Game managers sometimes need to join games where people are winning too much, or just when the house is loosing too much altogether. The house always wins after all. But don't worry about playing the games yet, as game managers are still needed to keep watch when others are busy playing games. After all, you're still learning how to play the games well. Many of the game managers are willing to play with you outside of working hours to help get you experience and learn, and there's always me when I'm available," he explained. Wil nodded, mentally noting down everything he was telling him, as he continued.

It wasn't long before the first fight broke out. Quackity swiftly turned around jumped forward, so Wil quickly followed in pursuit.

"Woah, woah!" Quackity called as he forcefully threw one of the men off the other. Wilbur jumped in to hold the other guy back. "What the fuck is going on here?"

"He's trying to fuckin' rob me of my winnings!" the man being held by Wil claimed. He tried to surge forward, only to quickly be yanked back by Wil.

William might've not been a good Hunter, but he still gave Wilbur strength.

"Sit the fuck down," Wil barked when he tried again, slamming him down to a table. He stood beside him, glaring at him as he dared him to try anything, as Quackity began to speak once more.

"Who started this? What happened?"

At once they both started talking, blaming the other and progressively getting louder in an attempt to speak over the other. The man Wilbur sat down tried to stand back up, only to be shoved back into his seat by the tallest.

"Enough!" Quackity called. "I said I want answers, not another fight! Now one of you tell me exactly what happened or we're going to check the cameras!"

"He didn't want to give me my winnings," the man in the chair spoke. "He tried to take back what he bid! So I told him to give it up or we'll take it outside. Apparently he didn't want to take it outside, he wanted it in here."

Quackity nodded as two men approached. "Sam, Foolish, this guy owes the other money. Take them both outside, that one just needs fresh air." They nodded and listened, the larger one grabbing the one that apparently started the fight while the other one simply led the other man.

Once they were gone, Quackity waved for everyone to go back to normal, and turned to Wil with a smile. "You did pretty good for your first fight. Well, I guess I stand corrected, you're probably used to it."

"A little bit," he admitted with a chuckle.

Quackity nodded, laughing as well. "Well, come on, let's keep going." He only beckoned for half a second before walking away, making Wil hurry along a little faster to catch up before he lost him.

"I absolutely love the movie Shallow Grave," Wil told Quackity after closing. He was still in the casinos, hanging around Quackity until the vampire took him home. And no, he wasn't about to walk when he grew accustomed to being driven.

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