Chapter Two: Privacy or Betrayal?

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"You're late," Techno spoke up once William entered the house, making the man jump. Dad was the only one with him, frowning, so he figured Tommy was asleep.

William forced himself to straighten his posture and meet the man's eyes, forcing the guilt and hesitation down as he readied himself for the lies to come. "I know. I got caught up with some vampire issue. That's all. I apologize for being home past curfew."

Technoblade scoffed, only to receive a glare from Dad before he turned to smile at William. "That's quite alright, dear," he reassured his son. "You worried us there, that's all. You've never not been home by curfew before, and we were worried that something might have happened to you."

Wilbur chuckled, waving his father off. "I can take care of myself, Dad."

"Can you?" Techno pressed.

William met his eyes. "Yes," he stated simply before going back to his father—he owed his brother no explanation. "Now pardon me, but I must get to my room now. I have work that's required of me."

He didn't wait for a response but instead swiftly turned his back and calmly walked out the room and up the stairs.

He got away with it. Somehow, his stomach didn't twist, nor did his heart tighten painfully in his chest. He wasn't feeling guilty—oh no, he was feeling excited. Instead, his heart pounded against his chest and a huge grin conquered his features uncontrollably.

He didn't even need to lie.

And who knew having a secret felt so good? For once, he had something private about himself that the entire world didn't know about!

He enjoyed this.

He enjoyed having something kept to himself, to feel giddy about, to be sneaky around—like a teenager he had never been allowed to be. He enjoyed having something his family didn't know about.

He liked this privacy, even if it meant being sneaky and going behind his family's backs.

He liked being his own person.

He could do anything.


"Tommy!" William screeched. "Did you take my shirt again?"

"No, dumbass!" Tommy retorted, rolling his eyes while going to put on his shoes.

William gave him a glare. "Tommy, you dumbass," he repeated, "I can see it on you." Tommy froze like a deer caught in headlights. William scoffed. "Give it back, Tommy, I want to wear it and you're getting it dirty."

"Oh, fuck off! You weren't going to wear it before! And how am I getting it dirty? We haven't even left the house yet!"

"I've been looking for that shirt for a week, Tommy! It's my favorite and you know it! And you're dirty, you're always dirty because you don't bathe, now give it back."

"Excuse you," Tommy hissed while narrowing his eyes. "I do bathe! Every night, actually, for your information!"

William raised a brow. "Really? How? With dirt bathes?"

"I'll have you know that dirt bathes are superior! It connects you with the earth more, but you wouldn't know that, William."

"Uh-huh," he deadpanned. "Just give me back my shirt."


"Tommy, I swear to the fuckin' gods—"

"Tommy Kraftz, William Kraftz, stop arguing and finish getting ready to go!" their father intervened as he entered the living room with narrowed eyes and an exhausted frown on his face.

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