Chapter 2:

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There was silence, no noise or tone, as if someone pressed the pause button on the planet, making everyone freeze.

Suddenly, Y/n laughed and roared as loud as she could. Even louder than her parents. This time, she didn't care about what her parents felt like and cared about nothing. Making her feel worse by saying she's a witch? They didn't believe her; why should she believe them, people who didn't care about her future? She growled, "What's next? A magical pony?" She laughed again, and at some point, Khadija joined.

After a few minutes, she saw her parents' serious faces, and they didn't look like they were joking. Khadija and she stopped laughing, puzzled, and Y/n asked, astonished, "You're not joking?" Her parents slowly shook their heads.

Y/n felt like exploding with happiness and let out a relieved sigh after needing a few minutes to comprehend what her father had told her. She tried not to cheer and dance like a psychopath in the room. Her face had such a big smile that her cheeks started aching, but she didn't care, as long as she got to go to Hogwarts! Her lifelong dream is fulfilled! But all of a sudden, her mind was full of questions, but before she could ask them, Dad said, "We need to tell you something, but we need your full concentration".

Y/n nodded energetically, and then Mum explained, "We didn't ever tell you because the responsibility you have to carry is very complicated and stressful. We didn't want to stress you, but we should have told you sooner to give you a chance at Hogwarts. Now, listen to Dad".

Then he explained, "My mother used to be a witch and my father a Muggle, which makes me a half-blood. I'm a half-blood, and Mum is a Muggle, which makes you a half-blood too. When you start your first year, so will the golden trio. The Wizarding World knows nothing about the Harry Potter books in the Muggle world. Y/n, everything you read will happen; it'll turn into reality". She asked, "But won't things change with me around?"

Mum continued, "Yes, but only a little, and you need to remember something. As Dad said, the first year will happen in the future because your first year didn't happen yet. With you around, there will be you as the new main character in the book, so with you, everything will be rewritten". She asked, "Is that good or bad?" Dad exclaimed, "It's not bad, but it only gets bad if you tell the golden trio all the answers to the riddles. The Harry Potter books also have to solve riddles and mysteries. You've read all the books, so you know all the answers, but if you tell them the answers, it's bad. If you tell them, the books won't be exciting anymore. It's like if you spoil a movie and it isn't thrilling anymore, right? But with the Harry Potter books, the non-excitement will be rewritten, and no one will read them anymore; in the end, J.K Rowling's career will be over".

Y/n needed much time to digest that. She asked, "Can we not talk for a few minutes? I need to digest all this; it's almost impossible to believe". Dad agreed, "Sure".

After 10 minutes, she asked, "Can you summarise for me now that I know all the details?" Mum decided, "You're a half-blood, and you can choose if you want to go to Hogwarts. If the years haven't started for you yet, they won't for the golden trio, and everything you read will become reality. Most importantly, you must not tell them the answers to the riddles and mysteries or else the book won't be exciting anymore, people will hate them, and J.K Rowling's career will be officially over". Y/n mentioned, "That's much weight on a person's shoulder, don't you think?" Dad said, "That's why we didn't want to tell you. Having a Muggle who knows everything about Harry Potter in the Wizarding World is dangerous, but it's your decision. We know you won't fail us, and you can always ask Professor Dumbledore for help". There was a pause.

She realised this was her chance, and she could not refuse it. Her life will change but in a good way, even with all that weight on her shoulders... hopefully. Plus, she can always leave Hogwarts if she wants to. She decided, "I'm going to Hogwarts!"

Her parents smiled, knowing she would be an extraordinary witch. Khadija asked, "Is Harry Potter real?" She replied joyfully, "Yes, and I'm going there! On September 1st! Magic finally exists!"

Since that day, she had been counting them down on her calendar. She felt awesome and grateful simultaneously, making her rethink her whole life. There were so many times when she could have used magic to fix any situation. Without her grandmother, she would have never been able to leave for Hogwarts. Getting the school supplies would be amazing, but she wasn't sure if people sell Harry Potter school supplies. Her parents said not to worry and leave the concerns to them. They would do anything to give that dream to her, and nothing could stand in their way, even if Y/n recognized many problems. She was convinced magic was in the usual fictional stories, like Cinderella and Tangled, including Harry Potter. But it turns out she was wrong, and her magic adventures were just about to begin. Her life was feeling so... complete.

As the days passed, she realised that everything would turn to reality in the first book, but with another main character, Y/n. The characters will exist: the teachers, the Hogwarts castle, the riddles and mysteries and the most famous movie scenes! Every single little detail that she might not notice. Every Potterhead would dream of this, and she is fortunate to be accepted. It's going to be amazing! Which is why she can't screw this up by predicting or anything else which will change too much. No one extra can die, the scenes must turn to reality, and everything must go smoothly. She has much weight on her, but she needs to try. One day in Hogwarts, one glimpse would be enough, and maybe the responsibility would not be as terrible as it seems. She needs to take this opportunity, even if it means saying goodbye to her friends and family for a year; besides, she'll make new friends in Hogwarts, too. She won't be downright lonely. Hogwarts, here I come!

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