Chapter 10:

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Y/n got ready for the day and woke up earlier, at 7 am. She wore school robes and packed her satchel with the right books. Everyone else was sleeping, including Eve. She rushed out of the room and hurried downstairs.

It was almost empty when she arrived in the Great Hall because of the early timing. She headed to the G. table and saw Seamus and Neville facing the golden trio. She sat next to Hermoine. Seamus looked at her confused and said, "Umm... Sorry, but this is the G. table". Harry added, "Don't worry, Seamus. She's kind, and I don't think Pf. Dumbledore will mind". Neville asked disbelievingly, "An S... kind?" Y/n stated politely, "I know it seems strange, but I won't bother you. Promise". Seamus looked at her, astonished. She smiled and continued, "I must talk to you three". Neville questioned, "Should we leave?" She assured, "Oh, no. It's fine. You can stay". Harry asked, "Is something wrong?"

She took a deep breath and thought of not telling them the bad news, but she had to. If she doesn't leave, nothing will be the same. Besides, she would have to share it eventually.

She explained, "I'm going to leave Hogwarts. Forever". Ron shrieked, "What? Why?" Harry questioned, "Who told you to leave?" Hermoine protested, "You can't!" Y/n said, "I'm sorry, but I changed my mind". Ron asked, "Did we do something?" She assured, "No! Of course not, but I don't belong in S. I don't know anything about magic and what if Hogwarts sent me the letter accidentally?" Harry exclaimed, "We'll tell Pf. Dumbledore S. wasn't right for you, and we have proof. What's the sudden change?" Ron agreed, "Yeah, it's amazing here". Harry added, "I don't know magic either". She remarked, "But you're Harry Potter! They have to accept you". Hermoine explained, "I'm Muggleborn, but Hogwarts hasn't expelled me. Why? They believe in every witch, and many students here know nothing about magic. Besides, how can the Pf Dumbledore send a letter accidentally?"

Suddenly, Y/n heard many chattering students behind her and turned around. The tables were full of children. She remarked, "Well, everyone's here. I have to go. Bye!" She sat on her seat, spread jam on her toast and ate, but when her brain recalled the thought of her leaving, she lost her appetite. When done, she walked to the G. table and said, "See you in Transfiguration!" She hurried out of the Great Hall and headed to the first floor.

Meanwhile, the trio were still eating. Harry asked, "Do we have Transfiguration with the S.'s?" Hermoine said, "Yes. I'm done eating. See you two later!" She hurried off.

When Hermoine finally arrived outside the classroom, she saw Draco talking to Y/n. Draco insulted, "You're pathetic! Do you really think you deserve to be here? Even the Sorting Hat despised you". Y/n was sitting on the floor, reading a book and trying to ignore Draco.

Hermione came closer to her and explained to Draco, "Pathetic? Are you sure?" Draco said, "This is between me and that... Moron!" Hermoine admitted, "That's ironic. Calling her a moron when she's the cleverest S. in Hogwarts".

Draco continued, "No one asked for your opinion". Hermoine added, "But you're messing with my friend, and when you do that, you get to hear all my opinions. So split!" He finally left angrily, and Hermoine sat beside Y/n.

Y/n thanked, "Thanks". Hermoine smiled and mentioned, "So, he's the one who told you to leave". She stayed silent. Hermoine continued, "Y/n, he discourages and judges everyone he sees. Besides, he's the dumbest S. in Hogwarts; how would he know about your potential? There's a reason why Hogwarts accepted you, but if you feel uncomfortable and you can't stand it, then it's your choice. Just make sure it's the one you want". Y/n didn't want to leave Hogwarts, but she had no choice. Rowlings's career will be over if she keeps staying here and predicting. How can she be so sure nothing will go wrong? It's risky with her around.

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