Chapter 5:

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Her heart was torn apart, and her sadness thermometer broke. Suddenly, she realised she had to find a compartment to sit in. She almost forgot and didn't notice she pulled her trunk on the train. After searching and opening compartment doors, she finally found an empty one and squeezed herself in with her trunk. She pushed the trunk under the sofa-like chair beneath her and sat down. She sat there for a while, looked out the window, and the train started moving. After a few minutes, the view was visible and beautiful; high green mountains and a clear, bright blue sky presented itself. She even saw a few waterfalls crashing down from the hills. She was overjoyed to be in the Hogwarts Express. Suddenly, Y/n heard the doors slide open, and it was...

Her mouth was open, stunned. Standing before her were the people she believed were imaginary and non-existent, but it was them. She was astounded, stunned and immediately froze when she saw them.

Her heart pounded thunderously and rapidly, like in Diagon Alley, and explosions of thrill and anxiousness entered her body. Her insides felt like dancing again, which she did not want to do in front of them. Her eyes widened, but she tried not to smile too brightly, a little friendly smile.

Harry Potter and Ron Weasley were standing before her! Harry asked, unsure, "May we... come in for a little?" She was still stunned but closed her mouth, pulled herself together, tried to calm down and stop her thrill explosions, then insisted cheerfully, "Please, come in. Have a seat". Harry and Ron sat down, and after a minute, Harry greeted, "It's nice to meet you. I'm-" She continued and finished his sentence, "Harry Potter". Harry wasn't surprised; everyone knew him. The only strange thing was that she didn't seem shocked or thrilled to meet Harry Potter, but he didn't think she was stunned.

She was blowing up on the inside, but outside, she was trying to act calm and casual, which worked.

Ron said, "My name's-" She continued his sentence for him, and when she did, she realised her mistake, "Ronald Weasley. I know". However, that was not normal for Ron. Ron asked suspiciously, astounded, "How do you know my name and full name?"

She wasn't sure if Ron and Harry were allowed her knowledge or responsibility, which was everything her parents told her. So, she lied, "I'm a great... name-guesser!" Ron looked at her disbelievingly but said nothing, and Harry did the same. She asked something, even though she knew but had to force them to forget the 'great name-guesser' excuse, "First year, right?" Ron and Harry said, "Yeah". She explained, "I can't wait to use magic. It's going to be amazing!" Harry exclaimed, "I learned about magic a week ago and hopped on this train". She commented, "Yeah. Vernon and Petunia never told you anything about you're parents or that magic existed this whole time. Dudley wasn't any help either; all he did was annoy you. How did you survive?"

Harry looked at her perplexed and stunned, his mouth open; then Ron questioned, "Who's Dudley, Vernon and Petunia?" She answered, "Harry's new but terrible parents. I suppose you know about your parents, Harry. After... the 'accident' with Harry's real parents, Dumbledore needed to bring Harry to another family. Dumbledore couldn't leave Harry without a guardian because he was a baby. Since then, he has lived with his stepparents, and the worst part is that they know he's a wizard and they hate magic, which means they despise Harry, so his stepparents and stepbrother, Dudley, torture him every day". Harry's jaw dropped, but Y/n kept looking out the window casually.

She commented, "Beautiful view, isn't it?" Harry questioned, puzzled and stunned, "How did you...?" Y/n suddenly realised her colossal mistake and panicked. She predicted Harry's life! She has to come up with an excuse, and now! She lied, "Everyone knows! The whole wizard world knows! My parents told me too". Harry asked, "Everyone knows? My life story?" She said, "Yeah. Everyone". Her excuse was believable, and Harry thought so, too.

Y/n tried to change the topic and questioned, "So... What are you excited for? I'm mostly nervous". Harry explained, "Getting sorted or finding friends". She knew what Harry meant by 'getting sorted'. He didn't want to be sorted into Slytherin, but she finally shut her mouth and stopped predicting. She didn't want to be sorted there, and finding friends worried her.

Suddenly, someone opened the compartment door. The girl with bushy, curly brown hair looked confident and slim. Her heart pounded rapidly, like before, and the explosions came back. It's... Hermoine Granger!

Hermoine asked with a squeaky voice, "May I come in?" Y/n replied, overjoyed, "Sure!" Hermoine sat next to her, which made her insides mingle. Ron was busy eating a sandwich he got from his mother. After a few seconds, Hermoine mentioned, "Blimey! You're Harry Potter!" Harry wasn't sure what to answer, but Hermoine looked at Ron and questioned, "And you are?" Ron responded with a full mouth, "Ron Weasley". Hermoine replied, "Pleasure. I'm Hermoine Granger".

Y/n noticed that Ron and Hermoine were saying the same lines as she read in the first book. Even their sentences turn to reality!

After a few minutes, Ron tried performing a spell to colour his rat, Scrabbers, yellow. She remembered this scene, and she got to see it in reality! He recites, "Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow, turn this stupid, fat rat yellow!" Nothing happened; then Hermoine bossed, "Are you sure that's a spell? Well, it's not very good, is it?" Ron looked at Y/n, and then Harry was annoyed as if he was saying silently by staring, "Who does she think she is?" Y/n supported, "I think the spell was great". She smiled at Ron, and so did he. Hermoine looked at her and questioned, "And you're name?" She answered, "Oh, how rude of me. I'm... Y/n". Ron greeted, "Nice to meet you, Y/n". Harry agreed, "Same here". Hermoine didn't say anything, but that didn't bother her, and she said, "Nice to meet you".

They finally arrived after eight hours of sitting and chatting while Hermoine read a book. The train whistled, and everyone got off with their trunks. When Y/n did, she saw a gigantic human. She knew only one half-giant, half-human in Hogwarts with a clumpy, brown coat and long hair. It was Hagrid!

When she got off, it was 8:15 and dark outside. The station was filled with thrilled children who didn't know where to go or what to do. Hagrid shouted, a massive shadow from far away, "Follow me!" The children followed him while Y/n squeezed through the crowd to get closer to Hagrid. As she did, she saw Harry beside him, but she was unsure where Ron was. She greeted Harry, "Hello again!" Harry twitched and looked at her. She apologised, "Sorry for scaring you". Harry asked, "Do you know what Hogwarts looks like?" She explained, "Hogwarts is a gigantic, majestic, limestone and magical castle which is a school. Even though I learned castles were for royal families in fairy tales".

Harry chuckled, "Me too". She mentioned, "I learned about magic recently, like you". Harry asked, "You know nothing about magic, too?" She replied, "Yup". Harry responded, "I thought I was the only one". She said, "Maybe we have more in common than you think, Harry". Y/n winked, then Harry joked, "Please never do that again!" Harry and she laughed together and smiled at each other.

Y/n was surprised that she turned friends with Harry quickly, especially when she was terrible at finding friends. Now that she's made friends with Harry, it'll be simple to build a friendship with Ron.

After a while, Y/n noticed boats, and in front of the boat, 4 meters away, was the castle, Hogwarts! After Hagrid, everyone climbed in the boats. At some point, Y/n and Harry found Ron and sat together in one boat. When everyone was in, the boats moved on their own, following the ship Hagrid was in. The moon shone as they sailed on the glistening, dark water, and the castle's windows enlightened as if someone had opened a light switch. They sailed closer to the castle, and all the children pointed in awe. Y/n didn't indicate but was fascinated. Her heart pounded, and the eruptions were back as if she was in Diagon Alley again, but better. She chuckled, "I'm here".

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