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Today was probably one of the many exciting days in the life of the seven boys entering the stadium in front of them, they were talking and walking as they entered through the door labelled 'Reserved Entry, Only For Idols'.

This was the first award show they were attending in two years! They couldn't stop thinking about performing for their fans again, they'd come back from the military and now they were ready to give their best for their fans.

All seven of them took their place in the stadium and waited for the award show to start.


It was finally their turn to perform, they rushed off towards the stage to begin their performance, they were going to perform their newest song, they'd been practicing for a lot of time so they hoped that their fans would enjoy the performance, taking deep breaths, they took their places on the stage and the music began playing.

"KIM NAMJOON, KIM SEOKJIN, MIN YOONGI, JUNG HOSEOK, PARK JIMIN, KIM TAEHYUNG, JEON JUNGKOOK." Was all that echoed through the award show as soon as the music started, some idols were shocked at the volume of the fans voices, they'd expected that the fans would be excited but not so much that they couldn't even hear the soft notes of the music that was playing through the speakers.

The performance was only 2 minutes in, the fans' shouts combined with the music blaring out of the speakers all around were drowning out any and every noise, everyone was enjoying the performance, when suddenly there was a loud rumbling that roared over the music and then the music abruptly stopped and the lights went out, it was all dark everywhere, the security was quick and began ushering the fans out first, because the number of fans was more, all the fans had gotten out when immediately, the stadium collapsed, dust, huge chunks of the walls, some metal rods, all came falling down, burying almost everyone inside.


Almost all the management and staff were lucky, as when they opened their eyes, they were on surface level and could see the sky and were not that injured.

The idols, unfortunately, were not that lucky, the staff searched but there was no sign of a single idol anywhere.

Rescue teams were called to the place and they began inspecting it, figuring out from where they should start digging up the rubble, only then did they realize that the force of the collapse had created a sinkhole in the ground and that they'd have to be extra careful as to not make the sinkhole bigger. They started planning on how to begin the rescue in no time. Only if they'd known that it'll take half a month to rescue all of the idols back.


Namjoon opened his eyes and the first thing he saw was rubble. Big piles of rubble all around him, and on him. He was pinned down by a huge boulder, there was also a sharp pain in his left arm. He craned his neck to see what happened and saw that his left forearm was impaled by a metal rod and that there was a steady stream of blood coming out of his left arm. As much as his injuries panicked him, he was even more worried about where his brothers were, with a lot of effort, he squirmed around and spotted Jin, a few meters from him, A big part of the stadium's wall was pressed down to Jin's head, and there was a puddle of blood near his head, Namjoon winced, Jin had definitely acquired a concussion.

Namjoon turned his head to his other side and saw that Yoongi was also quite near him, covered with rubble, small pools of blood near his torse progressively got bigger, the most worrying part being that Yoongi's left shoulder had been pierced through by a metal rod. That made him wince as he remembered how Yoongi's left shoulder had already gone through surgery three years ago, it seemed like his shoulder wasn't getting a break anytime soon.

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