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After finding out that there were a lot of idols trapped along with them, most of them being very young and from rookie groups, the members knew that out of the seven of them, no one was going to leave until the very last idol has been rescued and taken to safety, those trapped there were mostly young idols, who in the members' eyes had a lot more to achieve in their lives rather than being left in the ruins of a collapsed stadium. And being the kind-hearted boys they were, they were going to try their best to save all the idols that attended the award show and got stuck in a life threatening situation.

Right away, the members divided themselves into the two tasks they had to do; one, get the idols that are stuck in the rubble pile in front of them, out, and make sure they are okay and two, find a way out or near surface area so the idols could get to the surface so rescuers can take them to safety, the plan was made that Jimin and Namjoon would go and find an escape route while Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Taehyung and Jungkook would help the idols.

"Namjoon-ah, take some iron rods and rags with you, once you find a good route, mark the path so they can get out easily." Jin said.

"Okay hyung! Got it!" Namjoon said, picking up all the iron rods he and Jimin could and then both of them walked off in the opposite direction.

The others watched as they disappeared in the opposite direction.

"Hey! We're going to get you out now!" Jin shouted to the people stuck on the other side of the rubble pile.

"Yes! Please get us out quickly, it's dark in here and it's kind of scary." The voice shouted back.

Jungkook looked like he was thinking something and his eyes widened in recognition, "Hyung! These are those kids from the new group, you know the one that debuted earlier this year." Jungkook, said.

"Yeah, you're right!" Taehyung joined in.

All the boys nodded and began trying to break the wall that'd been made by the wreckage piling up.

"What's the age of your oldest member?" Hoseok asked.

"Uh..18 years?" They replied.

"That young?! Let's get them out fast." Hoseok exclaimed to his brothers.

"Is anyone seriously injured, something you can see that might be dangerous?" Yoongi asked.

"We can't see anything properly, I can barely see my other members." They responded.

"Okay, hold on, we're almost getting you out." Jungkook reassured.


The idols trapped inside the barricade were indeed from a rookie group that had debuted earlier that year, it was a boy band of four members. The oldest being 18 and the youngest being 15 years old. They had been attending their first award show when the stadium collapsed. They had gotten stuck in a dark space and thankfully, they hadn't been buried in too much debris so they had quickly found eachother and huddled close towards the back-end of their enclosure, and had begun calling for help. When they got a reply from some voices, they had all sighed in relief, they'd thought that search and rescue teams were here to help them, having not realised the voice talking to them. However, nothing could prepare them about who their rescuers were when the rubble finally cleared, they could've never imagined that this was how they would meet their greatest sunbaenims.


Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Taehyung and Jungkook were trying to remove the rubble pile in front of them for about one hour, punching the rubble out or using their hands to pry the debris out and throw them away. Yoongi's shoulder had begun bleeding due to the stress being put on it, the rag tied to his shoulder steadily getting dyed scarlet.

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