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It had been four days since the boys had been admitted to the hospital, Sejin had requested that all the boys should be kept in the same room when they are moved to the general ward, right now, Seokjin, Yoongi and Hoseok had been transferred to the general ward, there were high chances that the maknae line would be joining them the next day, Namjoon was moved to the ICU on the third day, and he would be moved to the general ward in two days if he did not get infected.

•········Time Skip - 3 days later·········•

The boys were in stable conditions, they were still unconscious, but they were getting into better conditions, all the boys were now in one room in the general ward.

"How long will they stay unconscious?" Sejin asked Doctor Baek, the manager was worried about his boys' health, it had been seven days since they were brought into the hospital and none of them gained consciousness, even for a minute.

"I think we should leave it up to them, their bodies are trying to recover and staying unconscious saves their energy, they will regain consciousness once they have recovered enough to support staying awake. Their lives are not in danger, at least not anymore, we ran some tests yesterday and it seems like they are recovering well." Doctor Baek reassured.

"Okay, thank you, doctor." Sejin bowed, the doctor reciprocated and left the room.

The manager closed the door properly after the doctor left, he decided to sit down on the couch at the back-end of the room -where he had been sleeping- just then he noticed Hoseok's eyes twitching, he quickly rushed over to the dancer's bed and gently took his hand in his.

"Sejin hyung?" Hoseok mumbled, as he slowly opened his eyes, confused about his whereabouts.

"I'm right here, hobi." Sejin whispered, slowly carding through the younger's hair.

"Others?" Hoseok asked.

"They're here too." Sejin answered, gesturing to the room.

Hoseok slightly raised his head and looked around, and indeed, his brothers were around him, Yoongi, Jimin and Jungkook were beside him and Namjoon, Taehyung and Jin were parallel to him, each hospital bed had a distance of a few feet in between them.

"They are asleep right now, but I'm sure they will wake up soon." Sejin told him.

"Other idols? Are they okay?" Hoseok questioned.

"Yes, most of them had minor injuries and were discharged the same day they were brought in. As for those who had a bit more serious of a condition were discharged a day or two later." Sejin answered.

Hoseok nodded, satisfied that their efforts had not gone to waste, the dancer then began to shift in his bed.

Sejin noticed his discomfort, "What's wrong, hobi?"

"Nothing hyung, it's just my right leg, it's a bit numb. I can't feel it." Hoseok answered.

"About that... hobi, I'm going to tell you something, but promise me not to panic, okay?" Sejin said.

Hoseok nodded, Sejin reached up and pulled the blanket that was draped over Hoseok, revealing the prosthetic leg that had been fixed onto his amputated leg from below his knee. The younger's breathing picked up.

"H-hyung...W-what...W-wh-y?" Hoseok stuttered as tears built up in his eyes.

"The puncture wounds in your leg were too infected, they had to amputate it to keep the infection from spreading." Sejin explained.

"B-but I-I can s-still d-dan-ce r-rig-ht?" Hoseok asked in a broken voice.

Sejin's silence was enough to send him spiraling further in his panic. The manager jumped up as he saw the younger begin to hyperventilate.

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