7. The Physician

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After their romantic encounter, Hongjoong asked Seonghwa to stay home for a day to rest. No matter how Seonghwa pouted and protested, listing all the things he could help Hongjoong with, the response remained unyielding. Hongjoong wanted him to rest his body from the long trek and his work. And he put in the fair argument that Seonghwa's mother would worry if she saw him so rarely these days.

Thus, Seonghwa complied. He counted the hours until they would meet again, but he spent a day in the village with his mother. They played some games together and laughed over a shared lunch. In her eyes, Seonghwa could see her relief to have him home with her.

If she noticed his shy smiles or dreamy sighs, she didn't point them out. They reminisced about their favourite games when Seonghwa was small and wanted to spend time with her in the house whenever he didn't play with his father outside. He also plucked the first tulips of spring for her and assorted them in a vase.

The village people were improving by the day and aside from a few elders who were too weak to battle the illness, most were doing fine. Though they still looked haunted and their flesh wouldn't grow back, they didn't get any worse. Seonghwa helped them at the well in the evening and looked forward to meeting with Hongjoong in the tomb after the long hours of the night.

The night seemed to drag on forever, and Seonghwa knew he would barely sleep from his excitement. How would Hongjoong greet him? Would they kiss regularly now?

So many ideas and imaginations rushed through his mind that Seonghwa hid the deceptive blush on his cheeks with a smile to himself. He thought himself unseen until a voice called out to him, startling him from his thoughts.

For a moment, Seonghwa felt caught in the act. As if he had to explain himself. But no worried priest rushed his way. That voice belonged to Wooyoung, the mayor's son and the sole friend of Seonghwa's age, in their village. Who had left for the capital nearly two moons ago.

"Seonghwa?" He chirped and immediately came springing from the stairs of his home. Surprised, Seonghwa hugged him when the other barrelled right into him. Wooyoung looked wearied from his long journey and his arm rested in a sling, but his grin was bright on his face. No more cough carried with his every breath.

"Wooyoung? When did you come back?" Though surprised, Seonghwa didn't veil his joy. Wooyoung returned in one piece and the disease hadn't killed him on his way.

"Just this morning! I've been resting while my father spoke to Jongho." With an excited beckon, Wooyoung waved at the man slowly coming down the stairs behind him. He wore long blue robes belted at his waist and his even face matched the way he carried himself. Not arrogant, but with a certain grace and caution. Not unlike Hongjoong.

Clearly, he didn't belong to their community and the healthy glow of his cheeks was accompanied by a kind smile.

"This is Jongho, the physician the court sent to join me! Jongho, this is Seonghwa, I told you about him. The only one who didn't get sick," Wooyoung introduced them to each other.

Awed, Seonghwa grinned back at him.

"You did it! We almost gave up hope." Proud, he patted Wooyoung's back. The poor boy lost some weight on his journey, but his pride for saving the village from certain ruin brought his healthy glow back.

Although Seonghwa had to wonder. What did the physician find? Especially now that Hongjoong's treatment already affected them?

"I would never leave my people behind. Jongho taught me so much on my journey and was ready to help, though my hearing kept getting postponed. If you want to thank anyone, thank him," Wooyoung played it down.

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