Chapter 25: Jess

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Nick didn't stir as the nurse came in, still nuzzled against my belly. She glanced at the bed position, but acted as though this was a normal set up, continuing into the room without faltering. She did, however, pause when she spotted who was on my lap.

"Isn't that the nurse who was looking for you earlier? The tall one?" She pulled a chair up- the one Nick had moved- and sat on my left. I glanced between us, double checking there would be enough room to reach for the suction switch. I could just ask her to do it, if needed. The suction tube and Lucy were close enough to reach, without even having to move Nick. I didn't want to move his head away. I liked feeling him. It was comforting, even if I couldn't feel my ass anymore.

"Yeah. He works in ED, downstairs. He was finishing his shift when I brought Lucy in. I didn't hear him leave this morning, so he probably started at about 6. He's just having a quick nap"

"You're together?" She wasn't really listening now, but had a polite smile on her face.

"We live together" I was uncomfortable discussing this while he slept on my lap, even if I wasn't saying anything incriminating. What if he woke and heard this? What if he heard the wistful tone in my voice? The last thing he needed to know was that I was attracted to him. He definitely didn't need to know that the friendly little peck he gave me still had me reeling, hours later.

"Okay, so we just gotta finish the admission forms. Things have been crazy, so it's taken a while to get around to it" I nodded, smiling and answering all the questions. Soon we were done and she was bouncing out of the room, promising to bring some milk right in. Lucy was due for her night feed, and it was later than usual. I was just going to put it through her naso-gastric tube with a pump. She was too sleepy for the PEG.

It meant I would have to set it up while sitting, but I could manage that. Our nurse didn't question it when she left, leaving me with a pump and feed bag. I poured the milk in, hooking Lucy up and starting the feed at a slower rate. It would go through over a half hour, too slow to disturb Lucy.

Nick muttered in his sleep, wrapping his arms tighter around me. A gentle tap at the door was all the warning Marie gave me before flouncing into the room, heels making a muffled click on the Lino flooring. She stopped to check on Lucy, sitting in the seat our nurse had vacated. She was dressed to perfection today, reminding me of her interview.

"How'd your thing go?" I kept running my fingers through a muttering Nick's hair, even when Marie's eyes were trained on her brother.

"Great. I think I got the job. I hope so. A new place would be refreshing. Now, I'm more interested in how my brothers head landed in your lap" I flushed, eyes darting away from her. Glancing down at Nick, I was certain he was still sleeping. His mouth was a little open, leaving him looking adorable.

"I... It's not like that... He does it sometimes. When he's tired. And he just did a 12 hour shift, so I told him to have a nap and... Yeah" now that I thought about it, I had literally offered myself up as his pillow. I could have just told him to sleep on the bed, right where it was.

"Relax! I'm not interrogating you. I know he likes sleeping like that. When we were kids, he used to always do it while we watched a movie. His head would always end up on someone. Didn't matter if he was awake or asleep. I guess that never changed. And honey, I love you like a sister. If you wanted to be with my brother, you would have my blessing. He could certainly do worse than you. Hell, he couldn't do much better than you" I grinned, shaking my head. I could hear what she was really saying. She wanted me to end up with Nick. It wasn't just her being nice. She meant it.

"Thanks... But I doubt he would even see me like that. Now, let's talk about your new job" shifting the attention back to her, I kept playing with Nick's hair. It was so soft, totally worth my ass going numb.

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