Meeting the Overlords at the Overlord Meeting

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(y/n) pov

I walk into some sort of pod elevator. Lucifer sent me to this meeting, just for info reasons. He said "Maybe you'll pick something up for your next meeting with Sera". Those were his reasoning outside "why not", personally I prefer the former.

The elevator stops, I walk out of it and see who I assume to be Carmilla Carmine.

Me: Excuse me, are you Ms. Carmine?

Carmilla: Yes, and just call me Carmilla.

Me: A-alright, uh... I guess while we're here, thank you for helping make my bat.

Carmilla: It was no problem, he needed a favor, I helped him. Respect gets you far in hell, and Lucifer has mine.

Me: Yeah, same here.

I play with my thumbs while I wait for something to happen. She opened the doors to the meeting room, and we walk in. I see two girls next to a board.

Carmilla: Girls, this is (y/n), Lucifer's little pet project.

Me: Um... hi. It's a little better than Rosie's.

Carmilla walked over to them and started getting ready. I sat in a chair to her left, and waited patiently.

*boom* *boom* *boom*

I hear loud footsteps. The doors open, and a bunch of overlords walk inside the room, including Rosie, and Alastor.

Alastor: (y/n), my boy! Pleasure seeing you, quite a pleasure!

Me: Uh... y-yeah, same.

Rosie blew me a kiss, then sat next to him and they stared talking. I see one of Pentious' egg boi's walk onto the room.

Me: Shit.

A tall, slim, green man sat on my right. Zestial.

Zestial: Hm?

Me: N-nothing, sir.

Zestial: I see Lucifer taught thou how to be well mannered.

Me: N-no, sir, that was someone else.

Zeezi: Who's the little guy?

They all look to me, and I start sweating bullets. I sigh.

Me: My name is (y/n), I'm Lucifer's right hand, and the Sins of hell's bodyguard. I was kinda just sent here for... funsies, I guess?

I look over to Rosie and Al, and they both give me a thumbs up.

Carmilla walked in between me and Zestial.

Carmilla: Welcome, Hell sovereign overlords. I've invited you all here because you represent the controlling powers of our city. And (y/n).

I sink into my chair.

Me: Thanks.

She turned back to the table. Gesturing to all of them.

Carmilla: Together you own millions of souls. Souls at risk of the new extermination schedule.

She slams her hand on the table.

Carmilla: We need to discuss what can be done to minimize the impact of our interest.

Zestial rattles as he grabs his tea.

Carmilla: Zestial, so good to see you, my friend.

Zestial: Enchanted as always, Carmilla.

She looked over to Alastor with a confused expression.

Carmilla: Alastor?

Alastor: Yes, I know I've been absent some time. I'm sure you've all been wondering.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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(+18) Royal Guard (Hazbin/Helluva x Male Human Reader)Where stories live. Discover now