Part two.

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A C A D I A    R I L E Y

6 weeks ago, the day before graduation...

Lydia ran into my room, excited.

"Oh god, what now Lyd?" I asked, getting up from the comfy spot on my bed.

"We are going to a party!" she smiled, opening my closet and pulling out my tight red bodycon dress and red open-toe heels.

"Wait, what?" I scrunched my eyebrows together, "Normally we have a party after graduation- not the night before!"

Lydia pushed me on my bed and grabbed my makeup bag, "Yes, but we are celebrating our last night of childhood, plus I'm already dressed so you can't say no."

I sat still while she started doing my makeup, "Hold up, childhood? We are already 18."

"You know what I mean, now shh you're going to make me mess up your eyeliner." she continued.

Ten minutes later she finished my makeup and I was dressed. We looked in the mirror at ourselves and took a selfie, posting it on Instagram for our followers on our joint account.

I grabbed my purse and we went downstairs.

"Where you going, petal?" my dad asked, hugging me from the side, "You look lovely."

"Thank you dad, we are going to a before graduation party." I smiled, hoping he lets me go.

"Okay, but home before 11, big day tomorrow." he kissed my forehead and went to the kitchen.

Later, we arrived at the house where the party is taking place. People were making out or dancing while music blasted through the house. Alcohol was placed on the counter waiting for people to take.

Taking a cup, I tried it, "Ew that's disgusting."

Lydia took my cup and took a sip too, "Must be out of date, ew." she poured it on the floor and chucked the cup behind her. Love her.

We started walking round the counter before she checked her phone, "Ash want's to meet me to check I'm okay."

I nodded at her as she walked away. I sat on the counter beside the drinks and tasted another drink- this one wasn't so bad.

"You look lonely, care if I join you?" I random guy asked. He looked hot and muscular and I hadn't had sex in a couple weeks. Oh fuck it.

I grabbed his collar and pulled him between my legs before smashing my lips to his. He tasted of alcohol and it was disgusting but I was too needy to care.

"Hey where's-" a familiar male voice started, "What the fuck?"

I leant away from the guys lips and looked at the other guy to see Asher Carter.

"I thought you were with Lydia?" I asked.

"I was coming to look for her- why are you sucking face with this loser?" he pulled the dude away from me.

I shrugged at him, "He was hot and I need sex."

"Not with him you don't- he's a pervert and doesn't even go to our school." he pushed the dude to the floor, "Get out of here."

I jumped off the counter and pushed Asher, "You have no right to be a complete ass- we aren't even friends."

"How am I an ass?" he grabbed my shoulders and pushed me away slightly, "I just saved you from potentially getting raped."

"I can take care of myself." I turned around and was about to walk off before he grabbed my arm.

"Why are you dressed like that? You're going to have lots of weird guys around you," he looked down my body and I felt goosebumps arise, "Put my jacket on."

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