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Kinjal's pov

I have been thinking about this continuously from the morning..
Well should I just tell him that I likee him!?
But what if it breaks our friendship? Huff, just risk it for once kinjal.. Think positive,what if he accepts my feelings and what if he likes me back
*screams while holding her face and jumps to the bed*
That would be the best day ever, DEVANSH- as my boyfriend! I don't want nothing then god *joins her hands*
But how should I cofess?
Face to face?
On text?
Lol face to face would be embarrassing if he rejects and soo romantic if he accepts,
Ughh what should I do
I thought while glaring at my phone.
" Never mind I'll just tell him I like him on text rn and then tommorow At lunch I'll ask him to be my boyfriend according to his response at text obviously!
I'm a genius and I know it, I thought while smiling like a fool.

Devansh's pov

Should I like confess to kinjal about my feelings for her? Probably not what if it ruins our friendship, no no no atleast I got her as a friend, I don't wanna lose it.
But for how long, eventually I know that my feelings would increase and then I won't be able to let her go..
Should I just confess and end it here, so that even if she rejects, I would be able to let her go,
Huh I'll think about it later, right now I just wanna talk to her even as a good friend..

*Half and hour later*

My phone pings beside me, and I pick it up, eagerly hoping that it would be her.

On text

Kinjal- heyy!
Devansh- hello!
Kinjal- umm what are you doing rn?
Devansh- I was just playing some games..
Kinjal- oh okay, you can continue if you want to you know
Devansh- no no it's fine, I would rather talk to you.
Kinjal- oh! Uh I wanna tell you something actually..
Don't tell me that you know that I like you! Was I that obvious? Shit devansh you noob!
Devansh- yeah please go ahead
Kinjal- I actually don't know where to start.., gimme a minute.
Devansh- sure take your time, no force.
Kinjal- ok so the thing is.. Thatt..
Devansh- yeah?
Kinjal- I LIKE YOU!
my brain littrely freezes and my heartbeat is suddenly overspeeding, some one call the traffic police (lol).
She? She what?
Kinjal- kinjal likes me!?
Kinjal likes me?
Kinjal likes me.
She said it herself duh!
What if she's pranking me?
Should I tell her that I like her too?
No. No devansh not right now, make her wait till tomorrow, so if it is actually a prank or something you will be sure of what to say. And I lowkey belive in confessing face to face, so darling, I'm not gonna accept you rn, so you gotta wait, but I won't reject you either..

Kinjal- I know you might think I told you so soon, but I can't help it, I like you devansh. And i have been crushing on you scince months. You don't have to reply rn. It's okay think about it.and yeah even if I crossed the line if you think so, please don't break our friendship, because apart from liking you in a romantic manner I really adore our friendship. I hope you will think about it. Byee. Good night!

Damn, she's really something else but whos gonna tell her that I would give away the world to be with her, but she didn't really asked me to be with her..
Oh cmon dude she likes you, ROMANTICALLY..
*Smiles like a fool.* why do my cheeks are suddenly so warm.

Devansh- well that was a bit unexpected, but is it okay if we discuss this later?

Kinjal- sure as you wish...

Kinjal's pov

Was that a rejection?
No,no kinjal stop overthinking it, maybe he's just being sure..
Hushh, let's just wait till tomorrow...
Ugh I wanna share this so badd, I should text shubhu!

On text

Shubhanjali- sent a reel

Kinjal- hoiii

Shubhanjali- hello

Kinjal- do you even know what happened *crying emoji*

Shubhanjali- just tell me what kinjal!

Kinjal- I legit told devansh sharma, that i like him *crying emoji*

Shubhanjali- wow, devansh bhaiya! Seriously, that's nice, I knew you liked him alot! So you're in a relationship now?

Kinjal- no idiot, he said he'll talk about it later..

Shubhanjali- oh.., don't worry kinju, he would probably say yes! And yeah don't overthink hm?

Kinjal- ok shubhu, thank you!

Shubhanjal- no problem kinju!

Hushh, now I feel better, let's just sleep now, I hope everything goes well!


I'm so sorry for the latee update guys!
P.S I gope you all are liking the story too far!
Do leave comments on the paras you all like the most!



Kiansh~ (Rays of love, Book 1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang