Before The Storm

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After what happened in the events following Protocol 10 in Arkham City, Batman and Red Robin both were having problems coping with the loss of beloved lover/mother figure Talia al Ghul and the Clown Prince of Crime, Joker. It was one of those nights, and Y/n was hanging out with Barbara and Jim, otherwise known as his beloved wife and father-in-law. He was lying down on the couch, but would soon have to get up because every night, Barbara likes to do 'kitchen duty'.

Barbara: [Addressing Y/n] Hon, wanna help with the dishes?

Y/n: [Gets up; chuckles] I'mma coming.

The two begin to make their way to the kitchen, but Barbara notices her father, looking down at a newspaper of Joker's death.

While looking at the newspaper, Gordon had one of those looks that meant he was concerned about something, and his daughter could see right through him

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While looking at the newspaper, Gordon had one of those looks that meant he was concerned about something, and his daughter could see right through him.

Barbara: Dad...

He tries walking to his room, but Barbara beats him to the punch.

Barbara: [Light chuckle] Typical... always hiding when it's your turn to do the dishes...

Gordon: [Turns to them; unsure] Sorry, Barbara... I'll be right in.

Barbara: [Concerned] What's on your mind?

Gordon: It's nothing...

Y/n: No offense, Commissioner, but if it were nothing, you'd be trying to talk your way out of kitchen duty.

Barbara: Are you okay?

Gordon: I'm fine.

Barbara: Then what is it?

Gordon: [Sighs; remembers Batman carrying dead Joker] I'm worried about someone...

Gordon: [Sighs; remembers Batman carrying dead Joker] I'm worried about someone

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Unknown to the three, however, they were being watched from their window.

Barbara: Come on, dad. Give me and Y/n some credit here. We know you...

Y/n: It's about Batman, isn't it?

Barbara: [Wheels herself to him; worried] Talk to us, dad. What is it?

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