Death of a Rival prt 3/3

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The Arkham Knight was perched up in a tree, overlooking Batman's appearance in the condemned Arkham Asylum.

Arkham Knight: I can't wait to take you down, Batman. [Leaps to ledge of building] At my time. In my way. [Grapples into Medical] I just need to make sure the Joker doesn't reach out his cold dead hand and get to you first. The clown got him here thinking the walls of Arkham City were coming down. But the goons of his I killed earlier tonight told a different story... about how the Joker got the man made out of clay to move all the explosives to the abandoned Arkham Asylum... because it's the perfect place for the Batman to die.

Joker's voice: [Down the hall] Concentrated all the bombs in this room. [Arkham Knight goes to sound] Including the door itself.

Meanwhile, Batman was in a different part of Medical, opening a door up, revealing a bomb.

Meanwhile, Batman was in a different part of Medical, opening a door up, revealing a bomb

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The timer was ticking down, quite fast even, and Batman had two choices to make. Either stop the timer before this whole room, and himself, go up in flames, or get out of Medical and save himself. Arkham Knight was currently opening his own door, looking for something different to what the Dark Knight was.

Joker's voice: There are no cheat codes and no extra life. It's game over. See you in hell, Batsy! [Maniacal laugh]

After ten seconds, the Medical Facility exploded, collapsing on top of both the Batman and the Arkham Knight. The explosion spread far, even destroying the Batmobile in the process. The building was completely blown off the area, but Arkham Knight managed to survive the wreck. He picks up a piece of Batman's costume, the piece being that of his symbol.

Arkham Knight: [Notices something] Hmm?

The gunmen picked up what he saw, and it was some pieces of paper, bundled up. It was some kind of message from the Joker, a message that read 'My Deary'.

Arkham Knight: Well then... [Police sirens heard] the night's not a total loss.

The Arkham Knight grapples away at the sound of the police sirens, making their way to the island. Meanwhile, Y/n was still sleeping, but with Barbara layed out on top of him. She snugs up to him and he wakes up, looking down at her and smiling. He was really hoping to marry her, but his dreams would have to wait. His phone started to ring, changing his view to the night stand.

Y/n: [Stretching; groans] Hello?

Bullock: [Over phone] Y/n, where are you? We've got a Code 11-71 in progress.

Y/n: [Confused] Harvey, what are you talking about?

Barbara: [Wakes up; rubs eyes] Y/n? What is it?

Bullock: [Over phone] Y/n, Arkham Island was just reported to have been caught up in a massive explosion.

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