Chapter 1

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"But who are not afraid of dragons?... Riders"

- Elverde

"Vyra!" I gasped and hurriedly climbed the Verde, desperately grabbing onto each ancient branch like my life depends on it. Technically, it does and I'd rather die here from falling rather than face the anger of Elverde in the form of my own great great great Grandfather. I don't actually know how many I 'great' I should say to explain how far up he is on our family tree because I honestly don't know, but what I do know for sure is that he is freaking old.

Once, I asked about his exact age and his only answers were "Older than Reyna". I remember how wide my eyes were when he said that. Reyna is my mother's dragon and she is over 3000 years old.

"Vyra!" I heard him growl once more to what almost sounded like a dragon's roar. Heat rushed my body as adrenaline pushed me higher and higher until I was at the peak of the Verde. No one else can climb this ancient tree except me and my brothers. Mother told me its seeds were planted by our ancestors and only a family can touch its trunk.

I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and screamed "I'm up here and I can't come down!" I smirked. I made sure I sounded like a scared cat to pretend that I am afraid. Of course, I can go down as easily as I climbed this seventy-foot tree and he knows that, but he also knows what I mean and what I want.

I pretentiously screamed my lungs out and called for Zeieri, my twin brother so he could fetch me here and saveme, and I grin at the thought of grandfather's sour face. He knows me better than anyone.

One second later, A mighty roar from my not-so-mighty brother echoed in the clouds and I muffled a scream of excitement when his head peeked from the clouds. "Whoah!" I whispered to myself.

Zeieri grew substantially larger than the last time I saw him a moon ago. His once ten feet wings are now maybe fifteen feet, and his golden spikes fits perfectly from his head until down between his colossal wings, stopping just above the spot where I can perfectly sit and ride his bacl to the rest of the world.

"You are enormous!" I said to him, folding my knees and preparing for a jump to land on his back when another dragon seized to the sky, completely blocking my supposed leap to Zeieri.

Anger fueled my mind but I immediately recognized those greyish scales with golden spikes so similar to Zeieri's.

"Oh shit!" He cursed and my knees trembled. "We're dead if you don't hop on right here, right now!".

Zeieri leveled himself just below me and I jumped to his back before grabbing tightly onto two of his largest spikes right in front of me as if they were pommels of a saddle. "Thighs locked sister. I won't catch you if you fall." Zeieri warns. "You are a beast now" I said, holding tightly onto two of his spikes like pommels and he let out a roar of thanks, obviously taking my comment as a compliment.

"Don't start with me you two" Grandfather's voice is now calm and composed but that's just the worst of all. I could hear Zeieri's heartbeat thundering my ears along with mine but we don't stop.

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