Chapter 2

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"So, tell me my dear, when did these intriguing voices start? I'm dying to know more about them." Alastor sung, sipping politely on his steaming cup of tea with one condescending pinky in the air. He watched me with intrigued eyes while crossing his legs and getting comfy in the cafe's cushioned seats. We were away from any demons in a secluded section where people like Alastor seem to reserve for themselves. Any waiter or manager would be crazy to argue.

I thought for a moment, "I don't exactly know a time they weren't in my life if I'm being honest."

"Expand darling. Go on, I'm listening." He grinned, planning something cruel I'm sure.

I took a deep breath, "Um, okay, well, I always thought they would go away when I died, but that wasn't the case. I did many terrible things that I regret because of them and ended it all in front of the priest trying to save my life."

Alastor continued to smile wickedly, completely disowning that information, "And what do they sound like? Villainous? Powerful? How many are there, quite a lot I presume? Those poor little eyes of yours seem to not get much rest do they?"

"Its like dozens of people talking to me at the same time. They won't shut up. And when they really get angry they completely take over, but I can still feel." I started to snicker at my own misery, "Maybe I'm just so weak that souls can take over my mind whenever they want. Or I'm being punished for something."

The Radio demon put down his cup of tea with ease, "We're in hell. We lived our mortal lives as we pleased and now we must all suffer the consequences, ha ha! However, I'm not suffering because I am capable of taking charge of my own fate. I must say I'm enjoying myself quite a lot down here. Maybe you can do the same."

His words made me feel small, "But you're powerful, I can tell. Not many demons can say that. Their lives are miserable in hell. Most of us are helpless."

Alastor furrowed his eyebrows, "You're missing the point, my dear. Like I said, if I were you, I would try and take your 'voices' under control. If you want too of course," he relaxed into his chair, smiling condescendingly, "Or, there are always other options to help with your problem."

"Like what? I don't want anything to do with these demons. I want them gone." I stated, hesitant with my words as I grew weary of Alastor's true intentions.

The radio demon's crimson eyes glowed even brighter then before, and the antlers on his head grew centimeters taller, showing more of his true demonic side, "I would like to offer you a deal."

I knew it. As much as danger looks at me in the face, would it be worth my soul just to get rid of these violent thoughts?

"You want my soul?" I said innocently.

Alastor chuckled deeply, different to his normal laugh, "Maybe, but I'm thirsting after your demon souls. I will be willing to take those pesky voices away in exchange for something of my desire. Sound fair?"

I became more confused than scared, "Why would you want them? They'll make your life a living nightmare! I don't even think someone of your stature could handle them!"

"You underestimate me, sweetheart, but it's their power I want. I'll put it in a way that you may understand; it's like adding them to my personal collection, you see. How do you think I have accumulated such stature? By taking Overlords and demons until they are nothing but broken pieces of their souls and harvesting their power." Alastor's smile merely hung from ear to ear, displaying his row of knife-like teeth as he boasted about his ultimate game of predator vs prey.

"You've killed Overlords?" My voice grew to a whisper.

"A fare few. I take it you're not familiar with my radio broadcast. Shame."

"Not really," I thought for a second, evaluating the contents of his deal, "So, what do you desire from me? That's a pretty broad deal."

Alastor leaned forward, placing his elbows on the table and cupping his smug face between his hands while the sound of his static increased, "My deals tend to always go one way. You seem like an intelligent girl so you can probably guess what I charge for my services. Your soul does look excruciatingly tempting."

My heart dropped and throat tightened. It seems that my escape from my torture will come at a great cost. One that may improve or destroy my existence in hell. I shouldn't trust this powerful demon or let alone make a dangerous deal with him, but my heart lingers to be get rid of these voices once and for all. Even if it takes away my soul.

"If I was an intelligent girl I probably wouldn't be sat here having this conversation with you right now."

"Nonsense! Tell you what, I'll let you in on a little secret. I have always had a soft spot for the opposite sex, so I'll make the deal more in your favor. Don't say that I'm as heartless as I seem, ha ha ha!"

Alastor took another long sip of his tea, "If you agree to this deal, I'll rid you of your demons and make sure of your ultimate protection and comfort for the rest of your immortal life. In exchange, I take your soul and you must be at my service for anything and everything I ask of you. But don't fret, my dear, your days of violence which you so hate will be over. Now, you can't pass up an opportunity like that!"

That does sound good, but I can only imagine what he'll ask me to do living in his sick and twisted world. However, if it doesn't involve hurting others than it can't be as frightening as it seems.

I stared at my almost full mug on the table, "I really shouldn't, but you make it very hard to say no, Alastor."

"Then say yes." Alastor gestured his hand across the table, enough so it could reach mine ready to seal the deal, "I assure you, you won't regret it."  

I looked at his palm then back to his glowing red eyes and smile, biting my lip in frustration at my own indecisiveness while mentally preparing myself for whatever lied ahead.

I started to move my hand towards his, "Okay... if it makes my life any better then... it's a deal."

I took the Radio demon's hand.

An incredible gust of wind shook the furniture around us accompanied by an intense shift in the atmosphere in the back of the cafe. Green symbols and mist scattered themselves through the air resonating from Alastor, who's face contorted into a nightmarish resemblance of what once was. Because of the immense force of the wind and fear shooting through my veins, I couldn't quite see, however his antlers grew exponentially to that of a full grown deer and smile became something so unholy that even the likes of God would tremble at his feet. Before I could catch another glimpse, the horror ended and everything went back to the way they were in just a blink of an eye.

I grunted, "What just happened?"

Alastor was already back to finishing his cup, "You are now officially free of your demons! Drink up dear, your tea is getting cold."

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