Chapter 4

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"Now, let's begin shall we?" 

Alastor had us transported instantly to his iconic radio tower high up in the middle of one of the districts of the pentagram, giving us an ironic view of the V's extravagant building. It was old and decrepit, however keeping the charm of a radio station with the same tech used in the 20s; various dials, microphones, headphones, buttons and switches, wires and sheets and sheets of scripts for his broadcasts. There was also a bench cushioned with the thinnest material possible and a coat rack made of out the antlers from a deer--apparently something that I can replace quite easily. 

"First off, you must look the part, my dear. Everyone admires someone with a sense of true style." Alastor flung off his red blazer and draped it on his rack, revealing his button up dress shirt in a similar color. 

With a jolt of his staff my clothes instantly started to change in a soft gust of wind. Was it an illusion or were they real? I didn't know Alastor had the power to do such simple yet astounding things. Looking in the reflection of the tower windows, I saw a 1920's girl looking right back at me, shocked at what was gazing back.  

"As much as I'm impressed, Alastor, I'm not sure Velvette is into 20's fashion." I twirled the knee length dress accompanied by light brown tights and leather buckled shows. A small hat with a white flower sat comfortably on my head and long black gloves snatched the skin of my arms. This is something my mom would have worn.

Alastor shrugged his shoulders admiring his touch, "Hmm, I was going for more modern, but you do make a valid point. Today's fashion is just too unsophisticated for my liking. We definitely have lost touch as a society."

I turned to see his mind thinking with eyebrows furrowed, "You know what Velvette wears, right? Maybe just go off of that?" 

His clutched his staff once again, sighing, "If I must." 

The same happened again only I was met with long red leather jacket with tuffs of black fur on the edges; low rise white flared jeans hugged my legs accompanied by a skin tight black t-shirt with dotted hearts printed on its material. My hair was also braided and tied up in a scruffy bun. Now this is something Velvette would definitely wear. When twirling around in the reflection of the window, I saw the imprint of antler horns engraved into the back of the leather jacket. Maybe a bit too conspicuous, but it still looked rather high fashion. 

Alastor came up from behind and placed his hands gently down on my shoulders, gesturing towards the print on the leather, "Just a little mark to keep the reminder of who you really work for." 

That sent unpleasant shivers running through my veins. 

"Now!" Alastor then began to walk up and down the small space of the radio tower like he was about to give a speech to an army, aiming his staff when addressing me directly, "I haven't quite explained the reason why I am sending you into that building of obnoxious swines, but I was hoping it would be self explanatory. You see, you, my dear, will be my inside man for however long it takes for me to ruin Vox's status quo once and for all. When you get the job, you will have access to information that I can't quite get my hands on. Following?" 

I nodded hesitantly, "Is it because Vox's technology is over taking your radio?" 

Alastor gave me a powerful side eye, "A naive assumption--there's much more that you don't know, and you don't need to worry your little troubled head one bit about it." Alastor came over and pat my head condescendingly, "All you need to worry about is reporting back anything you may hear that will be of use to me. It may require some spying, but I have my full confidence in you." 

I rolled my eyes, "That makes one of us." 

"Don't be silly, (y/n)! Get into the mindset of an assistant, make up lies as you go along and become the confident young lady I know you can be! Velvette is too idiotic to figure out our plans, but, if you happen to fall into a spot of trouble, I will be there for you. It is in our deal after all." 

As much as his words were trying to help me, I still didn't want anything to do with this plan. It wasn't going to work, and every outcome I can think of ends up with me getting caught, killed or used as a foot stool. But, if I do go through with this task, there might be a small, minuscule chance I come out of this situation unscathed. Maybe it is my only choice and then, if I succeed, Alastor will leave me alone for good. Maybe this is the excitement my existence has been missing.  

"Smile my dear! You're never fully dressed without one!" 

"Alastor..." I sighed, there was no use arguing against his manipulation, "When's the interview?" 

"Attagirl! Funny you should ask because..." He swiftly pulled out a small watch from his trouser pocket and smiled down at its face, "your mission starts right about now! No time to loose!"

"Wait what?" 

Suddenly, Alastor black mist circled around us as his smiling figure chuckled at my instant panic. With no warning, he was transporting us to the V's headquarters without another word. 

"No, Alastor, wait a minute!" 

A breath of fresh air hit my face informing me that we were most definitely outside of the building I wanted so badly to avoid. Groups of different sinners and demons hustled in and out of the lively, electrified, circular tower beaming with neon lights that displayed a giant 'V' at the very top. And beyond that, a giant satellite gave even more inches to it's size, most likely abused by Vox's need to broadcast his presence all across hell. It was incredibly intimidating to say the least. I didn't belong here, and I could tell by the way the souls around me dressed; sophisticated, stylish and confident with every step they took. Everyone in this distract is part of the more privileged side of the pentagram, away from the chaos of the Doomsday district for example. Looking through the windows and sliding doors, I could see a main desk ran by a very unhappy receptionist and several gateways only accessible by authentication. My first impossible task was actually getting through the security. 

I frantically looked around for Alastor, but he was nowhere to be seen. 

"Alastor? Alastor!" I whispered harshly, trying not to look insane surrounded by the public. 

Stop attracting attention to yourself and look casual, I'm right here, my dear.

"What? Where are you--

I thought I should mention that I will be joining you in this endeavor.

"Are you in my head?!" I crawled at my skull, finding the familiar feeling of having another voice in my mind disturbing, especially his. 

I know it's not to your liking, but would you rather going through this completely alone?

"How are you even doing this?!" I kept my questioning on the down low. 

You will find, through our time together, that I am full of surprises. Now, make haste and walk for the main desk. 

Looking around sheepishly, I sped through the doors, maneuvering anxiously around several demons until stopping and taking in the overwhelming presence of the grand lobby. 

"I should have just become a foot stool."   

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