Chapter 3

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For the past couple of weeks my days have been nothing short of pleasant and peaceful, something that I have not known for a very long time. No murdering. No voices. My head is as empty as a dark void except for my own thoughts which are no longer clouded by pure evil. I can finally live the rest of my long existence without being tortured and tormented, and it's all thanks to the Radio demon--I'm sure no one has ever thought that before. At first I was scared as much as relieved. I was now tied to one of the most dangerous and cynical demons in all of hell who could tear my soul apart and make me do anything he pleased. But ever since making our deal, he hasn't showed his face. Not even once. I was under the impression I would be running round and serving him on my hands and knees, however his presence seems to have disappeared. Maybe owning ones soul isn't as tedious as I guessed.  

Most days, you'll find me sitting on the roof of my home building, viewing this realm in a completely different light to what I did before. I can watch the world go by blissfully, even if sinners are setting things on fire and committing heinous crimes. The pentagram is even more mesmerizing than I thought as unique buildings from each district create a skyline against the dimming red atmosphere. Even in chaos, it's good to look at the beauty in things. This is my home after all, and will be for years and years to come. Now I can truly enjoy it. I wish it was like this when I was alive. 

Well, I thought the peace would last forever until-- 

"Darling, there you are! It's been quite a while hasn't it?" Alastor suddenly appeared in a mist to my left, balancing on the brick walls of the tall building. 

"Woah!" I launched myself back in shock, meeting his familiar glowing red eyes and taking in his condescending tone, "I wondered when you would show up." 

"Excuse my absence. I've been testing out those demons you so graciously handed over and, I must say, what a bunch they are! My radio broadcast has missed new voices." He gave a cynical smile. 

"I've heard." I whispered, looking down at my knees pressed harshly against my chest. 

It's true I have heard the familiar agonizing screams of my past voices ringing throughout all of hell, pleading for help from Alastor's torture. In all honestly, it has sent chilling currents running down my spine, but they aren't my problem anymore; they are his to do as he pleases. 

Alastor summoned his staff, more like microphone, and clashed in upon the roof to grab my attention, "You must be wondering why my sudden intrusion, so I will simply get to the point. I need your assistance for a very important task, my dear. And who better than you to complete the job! One of my favorite souls in my collection!"   

This was the moment I dreaded to most ever since I said the word 'deal'. I can see my few days of bliss coming to a tragic end. 

"Task? Right now?" I hesitated, scramming to my feet, my height merely reaching the bow tie hanging on Alastor's neck. 

The Overlord scanned his sharp nails in a patronising manner, "Only a small favor you are contractually obligated to do and then I'll be out of your hair for the time being, and you can go back to whatever you lost sinners do. Seem up to the job? Of course you are!" 

My fears started to rise, but I had no choice in the matter, "I guess so. My soul is on the line after all." 

"So willing! That's why you're one of my favorite's!" Alastor looked out into the distance from the edge, "You've certainly heard of the V's, haven't you?"

"Who hasn't?" 

He chuckled, "There's an opening for an assistant to that insufferable Velvette and I need you to get it. No excuses or mistakes. This is extremely important, my dear. You must succeed." 

My heart dropped, "What!? Do you know how impossible that'll be?! I can't. I'm nowhere near skilled enough for that!" 

Velvette has incredible control over modern day hell while being in connection with Vox who owns the company 'Vox Tech' which manufactures almost every piece of technology in this realm, as well as using his power to manipulate those who possess his products. Not to mention his TV broadcast which has significant ruling over every ounce of media shown to the population--probably Alastor's worse enemy. And there wouldn't be the V's without Valentino who is the symbol of the sex world, producing high-end porn to the sinners who enjoy it, earning lots of money and fame in the process. I am nothing compared to these power house Overlords. Velvette has been recorded to be a strict fashionista and the director to hell's most expensive and sort after clothing line in history, something I know nothing about. Her presence on social media is the backbone to their whole entire empire, making her incredibly important and also horrifying. Technology and modern fashion wasn't even around when I was alive, and it has never taken my interest ever since. I am absolutely doomed. 

Alastor's head snapped back as if possessed, "Nothing is impossible if you put your mind to it. Just weeks ago you were struggling to maintain your sanity, no hope, no future, and now you are finally able to take back your life! What seemed impossible is now your reality! Certainly you can apply that way of thinking into this simple mission, hmm?"

"You don't understand, I'm not qualified for this. We are talking about the V's! I just got back my own mind and now your asking me to do something this unthinkable? Surely there's someone else you can ask?" 

Alastor stepped forward centimeters away from my own face, moving his hand to my chin and squeezing my jaw between his fingers. His voice and features were contorting back into the familiar persona of evil I have seen before whilst his infamous static ring in my ears and a mist of darkness engulfed both of us, "I don't think you understand the terms of our deal, darling. You must do everything I ask of you whether you want to or not. Have I not given you everything you have desired already? Another favor for me in return sounds fair surely?" 

"Yeah, but--

"But what?" 

I had nowhere else to look but his entrancing, glowing crimson eyes resembling that of old radio dials themselves. A small monocle huge from the far corner of his right eye, hanging by some unknown force. From this angle, I could see every perfection and imperfection of his features, taking in the terrifying presence of my deal maker like it was the last thing I would ever see. He was so close, making it possible to rip my throat out at any moment from the rising irritation flowing through his slender body. Forgetting about his demonic attributes, Alastor's face definitely represented his time, carefully presented, graciously symmetrical, well groomed and put together, making him even more intimidating than before. I couldn't turn my gaze. It was as if he was manipulating me with a single stare.

I thought for a long moment, debating whether to ask such a worrisome question, "What if I don't qualify?" 

Alastor's smile grew wider, "Then I guess I'll have to look for another use for you. You would make a perfect foot stool in my radio tower. Or many even a coat hanger? Your choice." 

Even though he promised me comfort for the rest of my immortality, that doesn't sound very comforting. I looked at him with defeat in my glossy eyes, "Fine, fine... I'll do it."

"Splendid!" In a flash, Alastor and the air around us turned back to normal while letting go of my jaw, "We will start preparations at once!" 

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