Chapter 5

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I awkwardly walked to the main desk; its height reached my shoulders, causing me to balance on my tip toes to actually gain the receptionists attention. Her blonde hair was spayed into the perfect short bob and her black eyes drooped on her face in complete boredom. She would answer calls now and then, typing on the companies computer with her outrageously long purple fingernails while sporting an unenthusiastic tone to the reciprocating end. She was absolutely held against her will behind this desk. I didn't want to disturb her work until her pupils met mine, frowning at another person interrupting her flow. 

"Um, hello." I began, placing my hands upon the glass and gold counter, "I'm here about a potential interview for... Velvette's... new assistant job?"

More confidence!

"I mean I'm here for an interview for the position of the assistant."  I corrected myself, mentally punching myself.

The receptionist blinked slowly, resuming typing on the keyboard without even looking down, "Did you apply online?"

"Um," I started to sweat, "No..."

She squinted her eyes, and looked back at her screen, "I'm sorry, but Velvette is much too busy to see random demons without being contacted before hand, let alone applying." 

I started to panic and I hadn't even made it past the lobby, so I obliviously whispered to Alastor, "What now?"

Improvise my dear! I'm ready for the performance of a life time!

"Well, that isn't helpful at all!" 

The receptionist cleared her throat, "Is there anything else you need?"

Trying to take Alastor's advice with a grain of salt, I scanned the counter and beyond into the space of her desk. Being so perfectly tidy, I spotted a neatly stacked collection of what looked like key cards for entry through the gateways. Dangerous thoughts of quickly stealing one and making a run for it clouded my mind, but what hideous consequences awaited if I got caught? Probably a crime worthy of banishment from the V tower which is a worse case scenario. I was lost in thought for too long, I had to say something. 

"Well, I didn't need to apply. I was picked by Velvette herself for the interview. She said I was to be let in right away... if you don't mind." 

"Ah huh? And what is your name?" Her face showed signs of amusement at my pathetic attempt to qualify for a free pass inside. 


I wouldn't give her your real name if I were you~

Alastor sung in my ear making a very valid point. Out of all names, what would be most authentic? Something an aspiring fashionista might have would be most believable. Maybe something beginning with the letter V will give me a running chance? The V's database must be overflowing with some absurd names.

"It's... Violet..." I gazed at the receptionists rings which were molded into tiny golden stars, "... Star. Violet Star! That's my name!" 

She spun on her chair, now completely facing the screen of her computer as her fingers went to work, "Violet Star, Violet Star. Oh no, I don't see any special requests for a 'Violet Star'. Maybe you should come back when you are actually prepared next time, okay? But I'll be sure to let Velvette know you dropped by."  

I stared, unable to think of what to do next whilst my body wouldn't move, overwhelmed by embarrassment and now frustration at how unsympathetic this receptionist was. Even if this mission was against my will, I was now determined to at least make it past security. I listened for any commentary from the almighty Alastor. 

My dear, I will now teach you one of life's most valuable lessons. Sometimes you have to take what you need by force, and I highly suggest you apply that lesson right now. Those key cards look incredibly intriguing, don't you think?

I gazed at the key cards and then back to the blonde demon, continuing this until my arm no longer felt the restraints of morals. Finally bending my hand over the glass counter swiftly, I snatched the top of the pile whilst fumbling my fingers around in the process. There was no time to loose. I bucked it to one of the gateways. 

"You bitch!" Yelled the receptionist leaning over her desk, but I was already out of sight.

Blindly, I turned a corner jogging to my destination eager to make it through without a fuss. However, I clashed instantly into a bigger demon dressed in all black who wore a disappointed frown while crossing his arms in anger.  His wall-like stance was enough to completely stop me in my tracks and knock me back a couple of inches. I was caught the second I stole the card and all the eyes in the lobby landed on me. Why was I stupid enough to think it was going to work? 

"Where the fuck do you think you're running to?" The security guard questioned, stepping forward to subconsciously corner me back towards the entrance.

"Um... I... Alastor help me." I timidly whispered, backing up for the sake of my life. 

I could hear his static voice in my head sigh. 

It looks like we are going to need a little more force then I imagined. Don't worry my dear, leave this to me.

As if on queue, the ear bleeding sound of radio static rung through the sound system of the lobby causing everyone who heard it, even me, to clasp their heads in discomfort. Demons of all kinds jumped at the loud sound booming from the speakers above, most likely used for announcements and casual music, now distracting everyone away from myself and my sticky situation. The security guard was hunched over, pocking his fingers into his ears whilst groaning in shock; the perfect time for me to make my great escape.  

Run darling, go! Through the gateway!

Alastors voice was no match for the static, revealing me from my pain and instructing me to run. The authentication was quick and easy only having me scan the back of the card on a glass scanner until the waist-high bars let me through. I was now jolting for an empty elevator, graciously sliding myself through two closing doors, and turning around to see the chaos still unfolding before my eyes, until the static was cut off by the lift taking off for a random floor. A audible sigh left my quivering lips as I leaned against the confined walls of the small ascending space. I couldn't believe it. 

"We did it." I finally breathed out, praising Alastor for his late attribution, "How did you even manage that?" 

The sound system here is no match for my power. My dear, I must say what a courageous performance from you! I knew you could do it, ha ha ha!

A small smile appeared on my face, "I guess it was pretty brave of me, huh?" 

Indeed, but there's no time to relax yet, (y/n). We have only just begun. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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