1. Ice lolly

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A blazing summer's day, and Riley had just finished work. She arrived at her cramped house. Litter brushed against the bricks of it's shell, mould was growing on the roof. She knew she should get that checked out at least, but nevertheless she procrastinated it.

Riley just wanted to relax, after all she deserves it. Stepping into the passageway, placing her small handbag on the stairs, she stretched finally having a chance to take it easy now. She walked into the kitchen and began running the sink for later to clean the dishes. In the meantime, she opened the freezer and rummaged her hand through the bottom drawer. Desperate to find something, and she found that something. The last Fab, "Just what I wanted." Riley said to herself.

For some reason, her heart began to thump loudly, as if it knew something was wrong. The thumping became louder in her ears. Unbearable, she slammed the drawer back in and the freezer door with it after. The thumping stopped. Riley sighed. As she turned around to see the chair and sit down, she stopped midway and faced the catflap. There was something there. And it wasn't neither of her cats. Riley knew it was neither of her cats because they were asleep on the same chair before, but now hissing towards the catflap. Riley could make out something from the misty catflap door, a human smile that stretched from ear to ear.

The Thing began to open its mouth slowly, echoing a slow meow sound. Riley's ice lolly fell to the floor as she took a step back. A hand pressed against the catflap, opening it. She didn't have enough time to defend herself before The Thing crawled through at a fast pace, like a cheetah spotting it's prey. Pouncing on Riley, she fell to the floor. Waving her arms around in an attempt to get it off, she could only feel her flesh beginning to be ripped off, her bones becoming visible. The Thing aimed for her throat and she lost all ability to scream. It swallowed the bit of meat with a loud gulp. It looked down at her. It opened it's mouth and said at her with her own voice, that sounded rather tainted and scratchy like an old record,
"Just what I wanted."

5 days later, when Riley's family came to visit, they found her rotting corpse.
Her face was mangled, practically torn off. An entire leg was missing. Her stomach and intestines were ripped out and nowhere to be found. What remained of Riley's face however was a permanent wide-mouthed expression with a lollipop stick lodged inside.

To this day, Police and the local community remain confused on what truly killed Riley that day.

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