Chapter 17- Stuck

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Stacy's POV

It was after five when I finished walking the sites with Tessa and David Bryant. I did not expect to be here so long but it was necessary. Seeing everything for myself was better than them having to explain it.

"So you understand the difference amongst all three sites?" Tessa asked.

"Yes Tessa. However I'm still worried about the surrounding land of the property starting at Blake Road. What if someone decides to build around it? That will only cause chaos on my property, not to mention if I should have guests during such time."

"I can guarantee that you will never have to worry about that Stacy. Just take a look at the site map again, if someone should attain the space they will have to buy everything, all the way around to bring you any discomfort," Bryant said.

"Plus that will take an awful lot of money which would be a waste of investment. You don't need to worry about that."

Still I did not feel comfortable, no matter what they told me, I wasn't convinced.

"I will have to run this by my husband just to get more clarity because this is a prime property and a good space for my business, I don't want to lose it."

"You won't, you have the best team. Look if you have some time I can drive you around and show you something, it won't take long?"

It was a good thing Steph had cancelled until tomorrow and I had about 20 minutes to spare before I had to get home for dinner.

"I have a little more time to spare."

"Well I can't, I have to meet my husband at The Pacific. Plus we are meeting your best friend tomorrow so I have to help him prepare. Will you be there?" asked Tessa.

"I am not sure I will be able to make it but show her good hospitality on my behalf please."

"Definitely, we will. I am leaving you in good hands. Call me if anything."

"Thank you. David, shall we take your car or mine?" I asked.

"Let's take mine, I will drive and then we will come back here to pick your car up."

I agreed to that. I just wanted a little peace of mind so whatever he could show me to convince me that my property is secure, I want to see it.

Chalkline's POV

"Well everything looks good so far except for the girl at the front desk, why is she sleeping there?"

"Sometimes when it gets slow she probably gets bored and fall asleep"

"Then she guh her yard. I walked in and walked past her. She didn't even know I came in here. Please fix that nuh. A nuh patty shop me a run."

"I will talk to her or ask Xavier to talk to her."

"Why asked Xavier?"

"She and him a talk," she said.

She wanted me to know that thinking it might save her job. Little did she know that all she mi wah put out of this.


"Why is that?"

"Nothing, I will see you this weekend at Garcia's party."

"I'm not coming. If you want the girls to come I will send them but I can't take your wife and her nasty attitude."

"Do what you want, it nuh matter to me because Stacy don't give a fuck about you, I promise you that."

"Tell that to someone else but anyways I will not be there."

She kept saying it like she thought I was going to beg her to attend. Stacy was everyone's problem all when she didn't see them.

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