Chapter 50 - Stand Still

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Chalkline's POV 

The road from the cemetery was dark and lonely but I felt no fear. Maybe it was the anger and the hurt that dulled the fear in me.

I tried singing to cope with my emotions but it wouldn't help, I just couldn't keep focus but other things took over my mind.


“She's not breathing properly!” The doctor yelled.

“What's going on, what do you mean?” 

“Mr. Walker, you can't be in here. Someone get him out.”

A doctor tried to push me out but I placed him into a headlock and put my gun to his head. “Somebody tell me wah the fuck do mi baby.”

“Mr. Walker, there is no need for this. Let us do our work for your daughter and we can't do it with this much chaos.”

I watched them pumping her chest and doing one shit after the other to her. I wanted to take her up and just run with her.

“We got a pulse!” Another doctor shouted.

“Tell me what's going on please?”

“It's her heart, it's really bad. We have to run some tests to be sure but it seems as if it's VSD.”

My hands got weak. “She has a hole in her heart?” I asked, barely getting the words out.

“We will do some more tests to make sure but the symptoms are there.”

“She did this.” I pushed the doctor away so I could go take a look at my daughter. She was fighting so hard for her little life.

“You don't deserve this, you are too precocious. She did this to you.” I placed my hand on her little chest. “You are going to live.”

I left the room and never looked back even when the doctor was shouting my name. I went to find Stacy, she was fast asleep. 

How could she be sleeping peacefully while my daughter is upstairs fighting for her life, all because of her?

“Stacy,?” I whispered. She opened her eye and smiled when she saw me.

“You're here?”

“No, you are dreaming.”

“Should I close my eyes?” she asked

“No.” I placed my hand out to her, she took it and I helped her out of the bed.

“Are you taking me somewhere?”

“No, stand here.” I pulled her hair out and it fell down her back. That still didn't help, I hated her.

“What's wrong?”

“You wanted to die?” She looked confused about the question at first but eventually she got it.

“I… I felt like I wanted to.” 


“To bring us some peace. I was sad and you were sad, I didn't want us to be sad anymore.”

“You wanted to hurt me. If you died, I would have been sad”

“But I wouldn't be here to see. If both of us are sad, who will take care of your heart.” 

She placed her hand on my chest. I closed my eyes and lifted my gun to her face. “Tell me you want to be dead.” 

“Not in my dreams, I'm dreaming, you are here. We love each other and I can't die.” She started to cry. I opened my eyes, my hand shaking but she stood there being brave.

A Dancehall Story - The Final Years. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now