Chapter 39

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I look at the time on my phone to reveal that it's almost ten at night. I look at the table that is suddenly filled with empty bottles and glasses. The people at the table and discussing about their college memories, something that I can not talk about, so I sit and listen.

"Hey Dick! Remember when we ate those brownies?" Wally slaps the back of Richard's back, causing him to go forward.

"Wally. Shut up." Richard smiles. How I love his smile.

"So Kori? Where are you living?" Bee asks me.

I go to open my mouth, but I close it. I pull out my phone and type in my address and show Bee my answer.

"Oh, I use to live near that neighborhood. Did you buy a house there?"

I shake my hand indicating 'kind of'.

"Do you live with your parents?" Bee asks, "I mean go you if you do."

"No, she inherited the house." Richard interjects. 

Thank god for Richard.

"Oh that's cool." Bee's shoulders fall. She sips on her fresh beer. Little does she know my parents are dead, and thats how I inherited it. 

I grab my Long Island Iced Tea and drink it. Soon I am sucking up air. I put the glass back on the table and realize that I have seven empty glasses in front of me. Did I drink all of these?

I go to stand up when Richard reaches out, "Where are you going?"

I point to the sign that says bathroom.

Richard nods and gets up too. We walk together to the bathroom. I can't help to over hear Garfield asking the group about me, and the rest of the table trying to figure me out.

We reach to the bathroom lines when Richard spins in front of me.

"You doing okay?" Richard whispers so just the two of us can hear.

I nod.

"You having fun?"

I nod.

"You meeting new friends? I think Bee likes you."

I smile and nod. The bathroom door opens and a girl walks out. She sees both Richard and I and rolls her eyes. I look at Richard and raise an eyebrow.

"I think she's jealous." Richard laughs. God, I love his laugh. I walk into the bathroom and instantly stop when I see myself in the mirror. My eyes are red and my hair is messy. I notice that I am swaying back and fourth, but there is no music. What is happening? I use the bathroom and wash my hands. I open the door and see the Richard is still there waiting for me. What a gentleman. A gentleman who is also oddly swaying.

We both go and return back to the table. I can still see that they are trying to figure out where I am really from.

"Okay. We are going clubbing! You two joining us?" Bee gets up from the table along with Victor.

"Clubbing? Where?" Richard asks, finishing off his beer.

"There is a new club down the road called 90's Baby." Babs tells us.

"What do you think Kori? Want to go?" Richard asks.

I nod my head. 

"Alright, it's settled." Richard finishes his beer and slams the bottle on the table. We all pay for our tabs and leave one by one. Richard and I were the last duo to leave. We get out and there is a heavy snow falling. I wrap my arms around myself to keep myself warm.

Richard comes in closer and wraps his arm around my shoulders. A blanket of warmth quickly rushes through me.

"How do you think Babs knows this place? It's like she never leaves her apartment." Richard jokes. I can't help but to laugh.

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