Two Halves Of A Whole

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     Never before had Hazel ever thought she would feel something as strong as magic. Not the sparkles and swirls of bright color you would see in a movie. This feeling was entirely different, ancient. It surrounded her in a soft embrace, whispering wordless voices in her ear. But instead of the distrust that filled Jayden, it left her with a sound comfort. A mystical feeling dancing around the air.

     She breathed it in deeply, closing her eyes and letting it envelope her. It heightened her senses, everything coming alive. She could smell the wood, a faint smell of tea somewhere in the cabin. Hear every creak of things settling in the walls. The whispers louder than ever. She felt safe.

     Opening her eyes she took in the small room. It was as she had pictured walking into a cabin. Wooden floors and walls smooth and holding steady. A small hall leading into what looked like a living room. To her right a small kitchen was visible, bright light streaming in from a curtain covered window. It was serene.

     Following an invisible string, she found her feet leading her into the small living room. A couple polished rocking chairs occupying most of the available space. A small coffee table in between them. What looked to be a hand woven red rug covered up the wooden floor. And there, on one of the gleaming rocking chairs, she was there. She had no idea how she knew, but she did. Immediately she recognized the girl as who she was looking for. Something about her familiar. But that's not what struck her odd.

     Where a woman should be sitting, sat instead a little girl. The brightest green eyes she'd ever seen, sat beautifully amidst pale skin. Soft blond hair falling in waves across her shoulders. She wore a simple black dress, dark leggings covering the skinny legs of the child. Her face was a stoic expression, completely out of place from the innocent look coating her body.

     Hazel stood frozen staring at the girl, the whispers ceasing into a complete silence. The magic was strongest here, an aura of old power radiating off the child figure. She remained unmoving, like a statue placed delicately on the rocker. It unnerved Hazel, how completely still she was. Even the rise and fall of her chest was so unnoticeable, she wondered for a moment if she was indeed living.

     Without even raising her eyes the girl spoke, a small voice coming out with years of wisdom lacing the tone. "Do not be afraid child."

     It reverberated throughout Hazel's entire body, a shiver running down her spine. "I know you."

     The girl chuckled, finally bringing her emerald eyes over to Hazel. "You and I are connected by a very deep thread. I have waited centuries for this day."

     A calming wave settled over her, all thoughts from outside that room pushed to the back of her mind. "So you know what I'm here for?"

     The girl gave a single nod, gracefully waving a hand to the empty rocker. "Sit child, open your ears and hear me."

     Hazel took a moment longer to study the girl, the solemn expression that should never be seen on a child's young face. Though, this was no child, she was sure. 

     Glancing down to find her clothes completely dry, she took the few steps to the chair. When she sat, she felt as if it had been built for her. Fitting her size and shape perfectly. The most comfortable chair she'd ever occupied, even without a single cushion beneath her. She looked at the girl in awe, mind reeling at the feelings surrounding this place.

     "You feel the magic, don't you?" The girl was smiling, settling back comfortably in her own rocker.

     Hazel let her tense muscles relax, finding her doubts sinking away. "It's amazing. I feel...I feel alive here."

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