From These Prison Walls I'll Fly

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     "I'm so sorry Hazel."

     Good things never last. Life has a way of sneaking up behind you in your happiest moments and ripping the carpet out from under you. Why should monster's lives be any different?

     How they'd gotten in she might never know, yet there they were. A gleaming silver blade pressed to Jayden's throat as the black eyed monsters laughed maniacally. A single drop of blood ran down the side of his neck as his entire body shook with an unspoken rage.

     The monsters had struck in the middle of the night. She'd fallen asleep in Jayden's arms only hours before, a dreamless sleep enveloping her. Everything after happened so fast. Had the silver not been revealed they might have actually gotten away with her newfound control. Or at least have stood a fighting chance. But she dared not move an inch, fear crippling her resolve. Fear, and the deafening betrayal holding a blade to her own throat.

     The sarcasm was nonexistent as he whispered the words again, breath tickling her ear. "I'm so sorry."

     Strangely, she felt tears burn her eyes. "I trusted you Austin."

     He didn't respond, the low growl emanating from the vampire across the room reverberating off the walls. His eyes dark voids as he stared at Austin, a silent threat being sent with such hatred even the demons holding him shook. 

     Fear had begun to consume her trembling heart, the vision of herself in the horrible dungeon pressed to the front of her brain. The power she had believed to have some sort of hold over clawed at her walls. 

     "Hazel," Jayden's pained voice pleaded with her,  "save yourself, please."

     A whimper escaped her throat from the strain, the knife being pressed further and further into Jayden's skin. It would be so easy. So easy to burn everything in that room. Watch the flesh melt from their bodies. But she feared in their panic the silver would take the life of the creature deemed her soulmate.

     She cried out in frustration, the smell of ash burning the tears in her eyes. "Austin please, why are you doing this?!"

     His grip tightened, an almost choked humor breathed into her ears. "Because princess, I have no choice."

     Something in the tone of his voice chilled her as a sharp pain entered the side of her neck. The power that had been fighting so hard for release recoiled, shrinking back inside her. The edges of her vision began to blur, her limbs falling heavy. Distantly she could hear her name being called, but it felt like a dream.

     She collapsed to the floor, tears freely leaking out of her eyes. The dungeon from her visions burned itself in her brain. The fear. The pain.

     Her eyes found Jayden, who stared at her helplessly as more knives were pressed to his throat. His beautiful black orbs forming tears of their own.

     "You will pay with your life demon," Jayden hissed, the walls trembling from the power and anger in his voice, "if she dies, nothing will compare to the pain you will feel."

     Austin stood unmoving, towering over her as her vision turned to black. "I'm so sorry Hazel."

     The throbbing in Hazel's head hit like a brick, her eyes glued shut from the drugs still coursing through her system. Her tongue felt heavy in her mouth as it drug roughly against her chapped lips. It was cold. An evil hanging thick in the air. She couldn't move, something tightly binding her.

     Suddenly her eyes flew open as her heart raced.

     No. No, no this isn't happening. This isn't happening!

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