In His Arms

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     What began to unfold before Austin could only be described as a hellish nightmare. Considering the rest of his life, that was saying something.

     Only moments before she'd been in his arms as they fled his own personal living nightmare. The weight of what he'd done resting heavy on his shoulders. Yet the freedom of release outweighed anything else. She'd been safe.

     And as he'd promised, he delivered her into the arms of her precious vampire the second he was outside the walls. Blood splatters still stained his hoodie. Hazel's blood pouring from the wound in her head. It terrified him how quickly it seemed to be leaking down her frail body. Her hair all but completely dyed red.

     The look Jayden had given him was pure resentment, hatred turning his eyes their true solid black. No fear befell him. Instead just a painful reminder of what he'd done. Of the death wish he'd signed.

     Carefully he'd handed the girl into his arms, breathing heavy as they crouched outside the protection barrier. He dared only risked a mind link, still too close to trust his voice. 

     I don't care how much you hate me right now or want to kill me. I'm your only escape and she's dying. 

     The fury that rolled off the vampire was unmistakable. Because of you demon! You did this!

     But he barely heard him, unable to take his eyes away from the small creature slowly dying before him. Yes, but right now she's all that matters. We have to do something, now.

     Jayden cradled her protectively, brushing bloody hair away from her face. Austin's stomach twisted painfully at the view, even unconscious her face contorted in agony. The edge of the wound just visible at her hairline. 

     Slowly, his hand reached out on its own to touch her, any traces of his usual sarcastic mask pushed to the back of his mind. Her face, bare of her usual oversized glasses, looked so young. Innocent. Blood mingling with her pale freckles. He'd caused this. 

     If only he had taken her when he'd had the chance. Watching her paint in that stupid school seemed like a distant dream. The danger and power surrounding her dancing out of her fingertips. Yet the naivety of what she was protected her mind. Could he have saved her?

     A low growl escaped the throat of the vampire, snapping him back to the moment. He'd stood, holding the girl close to his chest as he eyed the demon fiercely. 

     "Do not touch her."

     Austin's eyes went wide, quickly scanning the area around them. Trees were still, but it was only a matter of time.  Silence! I don't know how close they are. 

     "Let them come," he spit, turning on his heel and disappearing into the woods. 

     Austin was on his feet in an instant, heart pounding. Terror coursed through his veins, praying they could escape far enough quickly enough to give them a lead on the chase.

     His feet moved on their own, all too used to chasing the dust of the girl with the paint brush. He knew the vampire thought he'd lost him, his trail hidden within the frail magic that surrounded him. But Austin knew the scent perfectly. It was almost no effort now to track them.

      Fear continued to course through his system as he trailed the pair ahead of him. Yet instead of fighting it, he let it be his guide. Using it to push himself beyond what should have been his limit. As he'd done for the past hour. Teleporting beside Jayden with no words spoken. Their surroundings nothing but blurred distractions as they maneuvered through miles of trees and vast emptiness. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24 ⏰

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