Trials And Tribulations

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     The Moore Manor had never seemed more dangerous than it had that night, Jayden's tense body radiated unease. After her episode, they both snuck back to her room. Clothes were shoved into a backpack while Jayden muttered obscenities under his breath, taking things out of hidden shelves that held a terrifyingly dark aura. She dared not question him, the truth of what he was about to do resting heavy on her heart. 

     He was giving up everything to protect her. A kingdom of the dark realm, if what she heard was indeed truth. It was all like a horrifying fairy tale, in which she had no idea the consequences. Even her decision to trust this creature. 

     She winced slightly, thinking back to the words that had left her mouth. She hated herself the moment she spoke them, the way she let her guard down. Yet she knew she had no choice now. The danger was too real, too powerful in her ignorant state. And that tug, that tug that seemed to control her every decision. It hummed deep inside of her, satisfied.

     Discreetly, she glanced over her shoulder at him as she slung the bag around her arms. He had a grim determination, pupils dilating dangerously as he struggled with his emotions. Yet he held himself with a certain confidence, hands working quickly to finish filling his own bag. The tug clenched at her heart as she struggled with her own whirlwind of emotions, most of which she wasn't even sure she could name. 

     As if aware of her gaze, suddenly his eyes met hers. For reasons she didn't understand, her heart pounded in her chest at the intensity of his look. She wondered if he knew what she was thinking, if he could see the parts of her mind her own magic hid from her. Most of all she wondered what he knew of her life that he was hiding from her. The things his family knew. What exactly they thought she was that was so important as to break down Jayden's life. This talk of war. 

     Though her pulse throbbed in her veins she couldn't seem to break her gaze. There was something missing, something right in front of her she couldn't grasp. The dilation of his pupils dulled slightly, putting the bag down and turning his body towards her. 


     The rest of his sentence was cut off by a voice dripping with fake sweetness just feet away, "Adventure time kiddies."

     They whirled around to the figure in the door way, the pure blackness filling Jayden's eyes once more. The temperature in the room dropped as the two glared at each other, both refusing to back down.

     Hazel took a cautious step forward, effectively blocking their line of vision. "We need to leave."

     Jayden shouldered his bag, all his focus on the smirking demon. "What the hell are you doing here?"

     Austin tsked, hatred disguised by a smile, "You are sadly mistaken if you think I haven't been keeping very close watch since my time in here."

     Jayden seethed beside her, barely masking his rage that rolled off him in waves. "Which is exactly why I don't trust you."

     "Aww, but you need me vampy, you'll never make it there alive without me."

     He growled, stepping closer. "What makes you think we need you? You underestimate my ability to protect her?"

     Austin stood his ground, his bitterness giving way to his usually overconfident attitude. "You said it yourself, you need me."

     Jayden's eyes widened ever so slightly, his voice darkening. "You were following us?! What did you do to her?"

     In an instant Jayden had the demon pinned to the wall, his expression just shy of murder. Yet Austin chuckled through the vice on his throat, putting a finger to his lips. "Shhhhh, don't want ole Mommy to hear you."

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