Chapter 51

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Considering all the terrible things Arm had done to everyone in this room, there was plenty of animosity and hatred to go around, even those who had their soul dissonance healed already were still feeling that boiling bloodlust toward Arm. Grigori decided there was no point in trying to quieten them, and since they weren't yet at a point where she couldn't control them she allowed them to hurl insults at her Palantír and the people it was showing everyone.

It was at that moment. He heard his superior, Atures Poeff start to speak.
"...How is that person here?"
"Squad Leader-nim?"
Atures Poeff. He was a talented assassin who used to hold a high position in the Poeff household, one of the former Five Assassin Households in the Eastern continent. The squad member heard Atures Poeff being anxious for the first time in over ten years.
'No, he's not anxious.'
He sounded scared.

TCF!Glenn hissed out an exuberant 'yes' while TBOAH!Glenn sat back and smiled viciously. They both liked this, they liked the look of fear and anxiety on the face of that traitor. They could still taste the blood and ash in their mouth from back when this bastard had betrayed their family and brought Arm to slaughter his siblings and parents. TBOAH!Glenn was not boisterous or chaotic like his best friend, however that did not mean he lacked a love for chaos and seeing his enemies brought down. He turned his gaze appreciatively toward TCF!Beacrox and TCF!Ron, and made a mental not to thank them both once this was over.

'That cold and cruel Squad Leader-nim is scared?'

Never in all his years would he have imagined getting the chance to see this, so TBOAH!Glenn was very eager to show his gratitude toward Ron and Beacrox of the TCF!World for blessing his eyes with this sight.
"While I'm at it, I should also thank the Goddess for allowing me to see this too!" He reminded himself and then turned his face away from his counterpart to look back at the Palantír so that he would not miss a single detail.

He subconsciously turned his head toward where Atures Poeff was looking. Atures was not the only one who was looking in that direction. All of the forces around this area were looking at the crumbling wooden building and the two individuals. First was a middle-aged to senior old man whose hair was white. Next to him was a man with a greatsword who seemed to be in his thirties.

"Hmm... Raon-hyung, you're right, Grandpa Ron and Uncle Beacrox really do look great!" TBOAH!Hong giggled with a mischievous smile, Cale chuckled under his breath and pet the smaller red kitten who scrambled over Rok Soo's lap in order to get 'praise pats' from Cale.

While the six children got their head-pats from Cale and Rok Soo, TCF!Ron and TCF!Beacrox were smirking smugly, TBOAH!Ron was not impressed and TBOAH!Beacrox only sighed and rolled his eyes at his counterpart's almost childish attitude – however despite the act the two of them put on they also felt slightly envious of how the Cale's children praised their counterparts – the whole 'we are the same, you are me, and I am you' speech no longer holding much weight in their mind whenever it came to Cale's children.

'I can at least tell they are not on our side.'
The squad member continued to look around.
'...They are not on the Mercenaries Guild's side either.'
That meant that these two men were part of a different faction. Who would be able to so confidently reveal themselves after destroying the Mercenaries Guild's original branch?

"It's someone you bastards forgot about! Someone who's been strategically waiting to go for your throat!" TBOAH!Ohn hissed with a vicious grin, the silver fur along her spine was standing on ends as she crouched on Rok Soo's lap like she was preparing to leap at the Palantír, she had heard and experienced how the Molan father and son pair from the TCF!World treated their counterparts and them, so she was also starting to feel fiercely protective of them. She also heard from TCF!Ohn that TCF!Ron had beaten their uncle to the ground when Cale and their family went up against the Cat Tribe.

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