Chapter 80

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Grigori kindly showed Choi Han and Raon's reactions to seeing Cale hug the White Radish, the guests from the hall followed TCF!Alberu's and TCF!Rosalyn's tactic of teasing TCF!Choi Han about his poor acting skills would have gotten him caught instantly.

Diverting everyone's attention away from Cale was the unspoken decision from everyone because they were still pissed and bitter about how much danger Cale had put himself into all in an effort to get rid of this White Radish bastard. 

Grigori allowed Naur to give everyone a chance for them to all settle down and then with a single elegant gesture of her hand a new record began, however it was one that seemed unfamiliar to many people in the hall at first.

<Chapter 624 – Will never be seen in the world again (2)>
Basen's lips were shaking as he started to speak. He clenched his eyes shut and shouted out.
"I really hope that you return alive, hyung-nim!"

"Ah!!" Basen gasped as he recognized this conversation.
After seeing his family's confused faces, he quickly leaned toward his father, mother, and little sister to explain to them when this conversation had occurred. Once the gossip had spread to everyone who were curious enough to eavesdrop had passed, Naur continued the record.

"Have you not gotten much sleep because of work?"
"...Excuse me?"
Basen flinched and asked back after hearing Cale's immediate response.
"Why are you saying something so obvious?" Cale chuckled and nonchalantly added on. "Of course I'll come back alive."

Deruth frowned, and then let out a loud sigh of exhaustion and frustration. Too many terrible things happened to his sons, despite all the nonsense like this that he keeps saying. Deruth began to worry that TBOAH!Zed had been onto something when he'd said Cale has a knack for jinxing himself.

"Then... Why are you talking like someone who is leaving-"
Basen could see Cale's eyes open wide after hearing that statement.
Cale urgently started to speak, "Why would I leave?!"
"...Excuse me?"
Cale looked at the blankly asking Basen and waved his arm around as if to tell Basen never to say something like that ever again.

Lily stared at Basen until his embarrassed expression covered his entire face in a heavy crimson blood rush. Basen broke eye contact with his sister first - too embarrassed by the fact that he was always misunderstanding his older brother over and over again. 

'Leave?! Why is he saying such sad things?! Why would I leave this rich family behind and go elsewhere?! I have a lot of money but having even more money is better!'

TCF!Eruhaben chuckled under his breath, recalling something about that golden rain that each of them who had seen had sworn never to speak of again. Cale really did have a lot of money and he always saw it as a bonus whenever he got the opportunity to earn more. TCF!Eruhaben corked his head and looked toward TCF!Fredo.
"I wonder... does Cale keep this one around particularly because he's rich? Or is it because he's useful... after all... he is someone who endangered Cale and Raon by bringing them into the Endable Kingdom." He mused to himself before once again, turning away from him and returning his attention and focus onto the Palantír.

Cale sternly shook his head.
"I just want to stay near Harris Village and the Forest of Darkness and get some rest. I will frequently visit home as well."
Cale shared his plans with Basen.
"I also don't plan on leaving the territory once things involving that White Star bastard are resolved."
He might have to help the children averaging nine-years-old travel the world. But that would just be traveling for fun and should not have any issues.

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