3. Feeling of belonging 🫶

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Kim was looking at the family picture with a nostalgic sensation. He remembered how his own mother had served Namphueng. She was eager to stay around her, even when her own family was waiting for her, she would come around that house even if there was no need for this weapon to be. It might be at this period of time that a feeling of belonging grew in Kim's family line. They all felt needed as more than just something to protect, an object, they were part of the Kittisawat's family. Kim grew up while hearing stories of the two young boys, the young ones looking promising. Time was different in both dimensions, Kim was way older than Porchay but the period of time wasn't that far away. In fact, the more a weapon was well taken care of, the more they could age rapidly, the more strength and the more powerful they could be.

Then, they disappeared. The Kittisawat's parents and their own ones, Korn and his wife were nowhere to be seen, as well as the weapons which should have kept their souls. Kim remembered witnessing Porsche, looking everywhere for both his parents and their weapons. He had screamed, he had cried, he was out of himself. But he still had Porchay, his brother was to be taken from the kindergarten, he needed to do it but he didn't know how. He had no idea, this was the moment Tankhun chose to appear.

It wasn't in the rules nor in the law. He shouldn't have done this, he had damaged himself by forcing his way through the gate between the two worlds. He had saved everyone. He explained to Porsche the process of becoming a complete phoenix before the right age. He had encouraged him, he had cheered up on him.

Porsche's eyes burnt from pain, sorrow, rage but also revenge. He didn't know what happened but something, or someone had to be at the origin of that tragedy. He wanted to understand, and Tankhun thought the same. He ran to get Porchay home, he took care of him, and at night, the most silently possible he did it. He cried like hell would be able to open its door for him. He suffered way more than Porchay, being much younger. His wings menaced to never show up but he used all of his emotions and nearly died. He mostly became dust before being able to resurrect. Kinn appeared. Kinn appeared and he soothed Porsche's soul by being an honest and sincere weapon.

It should have been Tankhun, it should have been, but he was too damaged, he told Kinn to go, to answer the call and he played for the rest of his life the fancy weapon not wanting to work anymore. Porsche needed someone able to stand by him, not someone bringing him down because he lost his capacities.

Here, Kim was years after, his brother disappeared and Porsche too. Into that crystal. Kim had created a magical thread around it, he wanted Porchay to keep it around his neck when he would wake up. He was persuaded that something bigger was going on. He desperately wanted to investigate now but the sleepiness of the boy was stopping them. It was the evening now, Kim was tired, he couldn't just rest in his other shape. First because Porchay didn't create it for him and second because he couldn't let a young phoenix who just woke up his power alone, it could be dangerous. The way his body reacted to the transformation was a sign that his power might be too strong for now, it could be dangerous, totally burning himself because of the endless flames wasn't usual but it could happen. If someone was after phoenixes, it would also be too easy for someone to come inside and take him away.

Kim sighed loudly. They were now kinda alone. Tankhun couldn't reach this world anymore. Porsche and Kinn were trapped and their parents disappeared. He could only count on a way too young boy, way too fragile, way too soft, way too kind, Kim could feel it after his soul was wrapped by Porchay's one.


When Porchay woke up some hours ago, he had a headache, his brain was hurting as if he didn't sleep at all. He was slowly trying to sit up while caressing his forehead to try soothing the pain when he felt Kim staring at him. He looked on one side and he sat there on the edge. It felt weird because the boy didn't feel his presence at first, but it was only because they merged to the point of mostly being one.

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