4. Scariest hat 🔮

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Porchay was admiring the book. He had been reading this old big, made of pages, thing he couldn't understand a lot from. Most of it was in an old language, in an old and already forgotten language he would like to learn from, but he couldn't. He didn't know how. He was trying to interpret the painting, trying to get words through images. The only part he could manage was the most recent one, surely a translated part of those older pages, he had used to call Kim.

Even if he was feeling safer, Porchay was still squeezing the crystal around his neck. He was missing his brother but also Phi Kinn. He was alone. And the warmth around his wrist wasn't enough anymore. The house was cold, they would need to leave it. He wasn't the happiest about meeting a witch but it was their only way for now.

However, he couldn't abandon their house. He couldn't let anyone come freely inside when they would be away.


There was surely some spell working for this purpose.

The young phoenix walked closer to the huge library, observing all of the, damaged by time, books which had been protected by his family. As a young boy, he had sometimes tried to open them, attracted by their preciosity, but he couldn't understand anything. It didn't even look like a language, it was different from the book he was holding in his hands just some minutes ago. His pupils shined when he realised that he was understanding what he couldn't get. It was still under the weirdest form of shaped letters but his brain was reading it as if it was his own natural mother tongue. It seemed that those spells were protected by some magical powers, he just didn't know if every person from those special families could read it or if it was just for his own family. It gave him shivers. If it was the second option, and if he was to disappear, it meant that a whole culture, a whole ancestral magical tradition would just be erased from the world.

Porchay breathed loudly, for now he was alive and he still wanted to keep his heart beating, at least the time needed to bring back his brother, and Kim's one.

He tried to reproduce the same thing he had made when he had needed to use some strength to create Kim's home. He didn't think rationally, he tried to understand what could be happening now inside of him. Without even realising it, a golden with purple highlight fog was beginning to form around the lamp he had chosen to make invisible. And then nothing, it stopped.

Porchay could still see the object. He pouted but then he saw that there was a kind of bubble around it, the more he got closer the easiest it was to witness it. It might have worked, it might have just worked as it should.

"I didn't know that you knew how to cast spells." A voice appeared suddenly and Porchay lost his balance turning around, his eyes meeting an awkward Kim who didn't know whether to laugh or cry at what just happened. Porchay didn't fall thanks to Kim's hand who gave his stability back.

"I- I didn't know either..." Porchay answered, staring at Kim's hand. It was smooth, like a real human one, it surprised him but the weapon quickly let go.

"You just...tried for the first time?" Kim furrowed his eyebrow.

"Yes...I just...tried to just...dive in it...deeply..." He explained biting his lips. Kim just rolled his eyes.

"That's not normal...not at all. I will need you to be looked at.." He breathed out. "But that spell is pretty good, what do you want to hide?" He asked, getting closer of the lamp and observing it.

"The house...I want it to be protected." Kim just nodded. "But how did you get out?"

"I just...get out. What do you want me to do? Knock at your wrist?" Kim mocked him.

Porchay just smiled, finding this idea funny, though he was feeling that the bracelet wasn't warm anymore, it felt cold. He didn't quite like this, but he also adored to witness Kim in front of him, someone not making him feel lonely.

🐦‍🔥 I won't let you burn to ashes 💓KIMCHAY AU 💜Where stories live. Discover now